I've got the question, you've got the answers. Try to find the most popular answer. What would he want to be buried in other than a casket? It's Celebrity Family Feud! (insert two winning family members). [audience erupts in laughter]. I that was very touching. - Louie Anderson (Playstation), "Now remember, whoever's in the lead at the end of this questiongoes on to play Fast Money, and a chance for $20,000!" - Steve Harvey from the first episode from 2010, "You fell short/failed to get/win the big money last time." For this crew thatdone every show we do here, the show has done other networks, they've been with us nine years, and the men and women that worked with ABCand do this show, I followed through hell and marvelous. Thank you. - Richard Karn (going into a second commercial break from 2002-2003), "Remember, our goal is 300 points, so don't go away, we'll be right back." O'Hurley: Name a famous giant.Contestant #1: The Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum Giant.Contestant #2:Arnold Schwarzenegger. If I never do another thing, I've met the good, sweet people of the world. Let's start the FAMILY FEUD! Karn: Name a country other than the US that is admirable.Contestant's family:Africa or Europe. Harvey: We asked one hundred women, name a reason you'd dump a guy. Our thoughts and prayers go out of his family and friends. [BUZZ]. Karn: Name something that starts with the word "club".Contestant: Golf club. And now, the star of our show, STEVE HARVEY! Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. I wish you are. Hollywood, CA 90028.. Combs: Name an event you see at a gymnastics meet. Where do you see this first one? My daughter, and my wife, my two sons I love. - said during Fast Money. - John O'Hurley at the start of the Bullseye Round from 2009-2010, "Is (insert answer) the (insert amount) Bullseye?" Harvey: Name something that gets passed aroundContestant: A Joint. The family introductions vary per special edition of the show. - Ray Combs on the Tran family only getting 77 points for $385 in Fast Money and left the stage after signing off in the 1994 series finale. +Ray would announce the Bullseye answer after he came out. Family Feud (Tag) | FontStruct Fontstructions tagged with "Family Feud" Any Category Any Category Pixel Optimized Script Display Picture/Symbol Serif Blackletter Non-Latin Slab Serif Stencil Color Fonts Monospaced Any License Sort: Sharing Date Last Edit Comment Count Favorite Count Creation Date Character Count Alphabetically Show: All (20) - Richard Dawson, "(Good luck.) (sustained, hilarous laughter ensues, with shots of Combs fake-fainting)Combs: Well, let's see if it's up there! Harvey: Name something a doctor might pull out of a person. Family game night will never be the same. Thank you so much, and welcome to Family Feud. Combs:[during Fast Money]Give me a word that describes thunder. Harvey: Name a word or phrase that follows the word pork.Contestant: "Upine"Harvey: Huh? (NOTE: Remember that the slides with the answers display them in order from 1 to 5. Oprah Winfrey! Just look at me." Game Shows Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. God bless all the little children in the world. STEVE walks out to family feud music. What are y'all clappin' for?! We lost Ray back in 96, but hell be in our memory forever. Dawson: Name something that has to warm up before you use it. - Ray Combs (going to a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 1988-1994), "Who's gonna play Fast Money? Harvey: At what age does a person struggle to stay up til midnight on New Year's Eve. We'll start by placing $5,000 in their banks to both families." When I get to you, you'll get three seconds to answer it. [buzzer]. Premiere: "This is Joey Fatone from UniversalOrlando Resort in sunny Florida! ", 20102011: - Ray Combs, "Join me!" - Richard Karn (going to a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 2003-2006), "I need two people for Fast Money. Harvey:Forgive me, I'm sorry. It still continues to this day bringing new fans for every season it's aired. ", Louie: "Welcome (to the Family Feud)! O'Hurley: A state that has a direction in its name.Contestant:Arizona. - Ray Combs about the Bullseye Round, "We'll get started right now, with the Bullseye round, and we'll put $15,000 in their banks. Anderson: Name a talk show host you watch in the daytime. Harvey: Name something Steve's wife doesn't want anyone else to do to his head. You need to focus and concentrate to get the money. In the Continental U.S., call [[6]]. - Richard Dawson, "(Yes,) They did!" ", Steve: "Welcome to Celebrity Family Feud! Playing against (the challengers,)the (insert family #2), on your marks! Oh, let us do right here, man. And the Mandic Family: Bonnie, Bob Jr., Bob Sr., Tim and Diana, on your marks! From 2002-2021, this was said before the final commercial break/fee plugs. What is the number 1 Bullseye answer? [BUZZER!]. (insert two winning family members). Steve Harvey: Well, you had me fooled! YOU SAID IT, YOU DIDN'T ASK ME IF YOU COULD SAY THAT! Harvey: If Captain Hook was moonlighting as a handyman, he might replace his hook with what tool? Welcome to Family Feud. (Our)Survey said/says!" This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. We have got a marvelous show for ya, and I just want you to enjoy it! Mike:(buzzes in)Shit. You win (the game (and the car))/get to play Sudden Death. And from "How I Met Dat Mama" Miss Alyson Hannagan! . (audience laughing)They are so special and wonderful. s03e05 - Family Feud - The Last O.G. Transcripts - TvT - OurBoard Episode Number(s) 5 S03E05 03x05. The first family to reach 500 points takes home the Jackpot, plus a trip to the Family Circle Cup Tennis Tournament in Charleston, South Carolina this April." - Ray Combs (upon a strong shout sometimes whenever an answer scored zero in Fast Money), "Didn't make our survey." - Louie Anderson (1999-2000), "Play Feud at Uproar.com. Playing against the (insert family #2 (and their names)), on your marks! We've got two great families right here, and they're gonna battle it out for a chance to win a whole lotta cashy'all, and if you win it 5 times in a row, you're gonna be driving away in a brand new car." That's where two typical American families fight it out for family honor, and a little spending money for the relatives. And now, here's your host, ((insert funny nickname here), (first season only)) JOHN O'HURLEY!!! Richard Dawson: Alright, there's our families, now let's start the Feud! (ding) Clock will start/starts when I've finished reading the first question." (From/All the way from (insert city and state,), (Returning for their (x) day, with (a total of)$XX,XXX,), you're still alive." (smacks lips) The first time I ever saw people of any color, was when D-Day left from my hometown in England, to go and free Europe from the war. You will hear it. Dawson: Name something that can kill a lively party. - Louie Anderson (said during the Triple Round, to a controlling/opposing family whose bank may or may not have enough points to win; early from 1999), "That answer has to be up there for you to stay alive/steal. Let me say that, first of all, its a pleasure to be with you. (On your marks! "Listen (very) carefully as we move (very) quickly." Contestant: $1.75. - Richard Dawson on the first episode of daily syndicated version from 1977, "Thank you. He didn't just folded his arms. (audience cheering continues)If you do too much of that, I won't be able to do a show for you, because I'll cry." Make those answers count!" (tosses his card off stage)" - Louie Anderson (1999-2002), "See ya next time, on the Feud!" Family Feud - SNL Transcripts Tonight Dawson: During what month of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant? This official Family Feud game pits two families against each other in a trivia competition based on survey responses from real people. - Ray Combs from the 1987 pilot, "Thank you. For years on the current run (even before Steve took over), the Double question -- th. "Five dollars a point, total of $(XXX,)XXX dollars, and they are coming back to play again on Family Feud." Harvey:Okay, what'd you say? Not that I wanted to hurt 'em, but I 'cause I love 'em. Boy! Let's try to hit the Bullseye answers for more than $25,000! I am a stuff animal. Dawson: The dreaded phony horse gag! We got (insert celebrity team #1) playing for (insert charity of choice), and (insert celebrity team #2) playing for (insert charity of choice). - John O'Hurley (2006-2010), "I'm Steve Harvey. Combs: [during Fast Money] A city where people go for a quickie divorce. View full document. But I want you to know,that I'm excited about being on CBS, and hosting this show. Harvey: So, you thought that this answer would be just fine, in front of your mama and daddy and then your 90-year-old grandfather. Karn: Something that you pass.Contestant: Your dog. Combs: You think that made the survey? How to Play Family Feud. Introducing the Speir Family: Bob, Dee, Lisa, Paula and Greg, ready for action! - Steve Harvey (said after the first half of Celebrity Family Feud). Dawson: Somewhere you see Farrah Fawcett's face. O'Hurley: A famous Christina.Contestant: Christina the Car. Harvey: Oh, boy. Get online." - said after the first half of the Fast Money round, "We'll cover those answers, and we'll bring out (insert name)(who has been kept offstage)." 1. [buzzer] Oh, uh pass. [time's up buzzer] Oh, to hell with that! You know, you're not usually married in third grade. What you ain't gonna do is drag me into your little nasty world! (insert contestant), look straight at me. [BUZZ]. It's the (insert family #1), playing against, the (insert family #2)! ", "300 is the magic number! NOTE #2: When Ray Combs hosted the show, he will substitute "said" with a synonym for that such as "chose", "selected", and "liked". ", Celebrity Family Feud Premiere (2008): (Play at home!)" START OF THE SPIEL: "If it's not there, (insert family teamname) "This answer is for/worth a brand new car. ", Its time to play Family Feud! - said since 2003, 20032006: Combs:[during Fast Money]The month people shop for fall clothing. THIS AINT A COMEDY ROUTINE! "It's time for the Family Feud! Contestant: Vicks [VapoRub]. Read the first question (e.g., Name something you eat on Thanksgiving) and the first person to hit the buzzer has five seconds to answer what they think is the best answer. YOU SAID BONER! As of 2022, this phrase is said during the credits. "Stay tuned, we have two new celebrities to play Celebrity Family Feud." You got no points." ([. If you said Milk, you had the Bullseye answer. - Family Feud Host, "We surveyed 100 Men/Women this time." Harvey: Name something in their homes that people always keep hitting. Yah, lawn, steve!Harvey:Huh, L I O N. Oh, that spelled it, what the hell is a pork lawn! Whoever gets this Top/(Number) Oneanswer wins/will win the game." O'Hurley: Name an actor fromBaywatchwho is still hot today.Contestant:Brad Pitt. - Louie Anderson (at the start of the Triple Round from 2001-2002), "But, I'm only going to read the question once, so everybody pay attention/listen (closely/carefully). STEVE: Hey everybody, how y'all doing today? - John O'Hurley, "First team/family to (reach) [[1]]points/dollars plays Fast Money for (insert amount)! - Host, "If (number of people needed) said (2nd player's answer to final question), you'll win $XX,XXX." I meant thank you! "Someone/Somebody's gonna play for $5,000/$10,000. Harvey: One of them is cry everything. - Richard Karn (said at the start of the Triple Round from 2002-2003), "But be careful, because in this round, you only get one strike. We'll settle this Feud right after this. Dawson: Name something a dieter can do to suppress the urge to munch. Dawson: Name the most lovable breed of dog. - said before the start of the second half of the Fast Money round, "(buzz-buzz) Try again!" - said coming out of the final commercial break since the show's incarnation in 1999 until 2010, "Your partner is off-stage with headphones on; he/shecannot see or hear your answers. The player that has control of the round will keep guessing and collecting points until they guess all . [buzzer]O'Hurley: I think the holidays are going to be a very different experience for you this year. Sometimes, a contestant reads the plug. - said when a Fast Money win is virtually impossible, "We needed at least two people to give that answer; they didn't." Sure! What makes this moment even better isthe other contestant's answer, "a church collection plate" was worthless, and it was theonlyanswer on the board worth less than "a joint"Harvey:It scored less than the joint. O'Hurley: Name a way which you can make bathing a sexy experience. Harvey: Name something a burglar would not want to see when he breaks into a house.Contestant: NAKED GRANDMA!Harvey: NakedHuh?Contestant: I wouldn't want to see that, either.Harvey:I know you're right, okay, no one want to see a naked grandma, what is the chances, if you break into a house and found out grandma in there, I am naked, look for naked grandma in the house, outside in the woods, in the blanket, it is the occupant person. Let's move on to the NBC side. Please sit down. Dawson: Name a fruit that starts with "A". [laughter erupts] Well, if it's still attached to the car, it would be dangerous. O'Hurley: Name the fastest-selling drug.Contestant:Marijuana. - Family Feud Host (on the first Face-Off question; mostly said by Richard Karn), "100 people surveyed, top (insert number) answers are on the board. Example questions include "Name things you bring on a camping trip" and "Name a place where you need to wait in line." The purpose of these questions is to encourage empathy, critical thinking, and team building at work. Combs:[during Fast Money]Something that improves with age. - Gene Wood (1988-1993). Contestant 2: Bow tie. Harvey: You don't want nobody to sit on it. - Ray Combs (on a Face-Off during the Triple Round if time runs short) Sometimes, "quickly" is replaced with a synonym for that word such as "faster". Anderson: Name a part of the body that gets bigger as adults grow older. Back to Ray/Richard." All our new friends, we want to welcome you, this is a marvelous show. What a life? O'Hurley: I remember401(k)being in a retirement plan, and not ajelly. - Burton Richardson (2009-10), "Want to be on Family Feud with Steve Harvey? I'm gonna ask you 5 Bullseye questions, each increasing value by $1,000, which means you could win up to $30,000." But, if you or your partner can come up with 200 points or more, you'll win $5,000/$10,000/$20,000/(Bullseye/Bankroll amount)." Karn: Name a sport that'sNOTplayed with a ball.Contestant:Bowling. The Bullseye Game means that one of these families could win up to $20,000. - Host (Talking to the Judges that they needed to be more specific of an answer. [buzzer]. Combs: Their husbands? - Richard Dawson, "(You got control.) Combs: Name the birthday men dread the most. Slowly! (On your marks!) 6 FUNNY TIMES STEVE HARVEY WENT OFF SCRIPT On Family Feud | Bonus Round O'Hurley: Name something women get tired of carrying.Contestant: A wig. [contestant buzzes in, laughter and applause]I Know! . The bl-, the Black Zombies! You made me feel like a man. - From Steve Harvey's early hosting, "If the (insert family team name) family wins today's show, they're going to drive away/out of herein a brand new car." So come on back." Harvey:This is when you know we're goin' to Hell. It's the (insert family #1) versus the (insert family #2)! I'm gonna say a few words at the end. Family Feud is a mainstay in American (and international) television because people love the game. Welcome to Family Feud. HOO! Here's the star of Family Feud, RAY COMBS!!! - Ray Combs during the Fast Money Round, "ZEROOOOOOO!" (thats in) Hollywood, Calif. (thats) 90028! This is going to decide it. Dawson: Real or fictional, name a famous Willie. Bye-bye. Dawson: There are some street names common to cities all over the U.S., name one. (All the other questions are normal.)" 2. O'Hurley: Name a famous Betty.Contestant #1: Annette Betty.Contestant #2: Betty Washington. Thank you! We sure will. - Steve Harvey (commemorating original Feud host Richard Dawsons death in 2012), "Hi, folks, we have a sad news to share with you. family feud script.docx - Sairon: It's time to play family Harvey: "Freddy Kr- who the hell are youmarriedto?!". First up is the Rank Video Game PowerPoint Template. Thanks a lot." Dawson: A country that begins with the letter S. Dawson: Tell me how long is too long for a house guest to visit. Thank you. If you said the number 1 answer is (insert answer) [off-screen arrow/dart hits the Bullseye], you('ve) hit the Bullseye (on The New Family Feud)! Harvey: You calmy said. The Dubra family against the Spoerri family. Well, it's a little late for that. Dawson: Name something you might buy that could turn out to be phony. Now, shh, shh, shh! Family Feud (Tag) | FontStruct And he sawabsolutely nothingwrong! Harvey: No, you didn't, on national TV, set us back 30 years. {turns to board] Shoes! It's tougher/harder, so we're going to give you 20/25 seconds." You need (insert how many points needed to get 200 points). Subscribe for more http://bit.ly/BONUSROUNDWatch 6 FUNNY TIMES STEVE HARVEY WENT OF SCRIPT On Family Feud | Bonus RoundFollow on Bonus Round on Facebook . What is the top answer to this (Family Feud) question: (insert question)? (1975 Pilot, 1976-1982), A Mark Goodson Television Production." Dawson: Name a question such as how old are you, that you might answer with a lie. ", Celebrity Family Feud (2008, other episodes): "Tonight on Celebrity Family Feud, it's(insert montage)(insert celebrity team #1)! - Burton Richardson, "Closed Captioning sponsored (in part)by." - said by Burton Richardson before cuing the second commercial break. He was also known for his humor, and was very loyal to our viewers. Vint's latest money-making scheme is to get on "Family Feud" (the nighttime syndicated edition) and win $10,000 in Fast Money. Welcome Campbell family, welcome Del Campos. Yeah. Thank you so very much, hello to the Kakadelas family, welcome to the Del Campos! Girls working today. Journalist: The war in Bolodzka raged on today as rebel troops seized control. Besides, he hosted the very same show I'm hosting now! From all of us here at the Feud, youll be missed, Mr. Goodson. - Louie Anderson (said during the Triple Round when the controlling family decides whether they will Pass or Play from 1999-2000), "One strike onlyfor this question." Note: From 2011-13, Joey Fatone says his own name seen above for this introduction. That's my favorite answer this year. "You know, I've done this show for six years, and this could be the first time that I had a person that actually got no points, and I think it's a damn fine way to go out. Contestant: I don't know if they're white, alright. (insert montage)(insert celebrity team #2)! Harvey: No, name something you fill. ), you (challengers) are the new champs, otherwise you (champions) keep your title! ", "Did any of our 100 people in the survey said (insert answer)?" Here's the question." Harvey: When people talk about the big one, what do they refer to?Contestant: A man's privates. Have a great day (on CBS), and (we'll) see you next time. SCRIPT-FOR-FAMILY-FEUD.pdf - SCRIPT FOR FAMILY FEUD - ILS - Course Hero Harvey:We'll be right back! It's time to play family feud! Who's going first? ), A Mark Goodson-Bill Todman Production." (audience cheering continues) Don't make me cry. - Ray Combs (to the family with the highest score can still make a possible win of 300 during the fourth Question [usually the Double Round]), "I'm only going to read the question once. For Steve Harvey's first year of hosting, Joey Fatone opens the show by saying the name of the game show, his own name and location.). Combs:[during Fast Money]A position on a football team. Let's go." Thank you! Let's startthe championship match on the new FAMILY FEUD CHALLENGE!!!! GitHub - yassck02/FamilyFeud: A text-based Family Feud game written in - Ray Combs (at the start of the second and subsequent Face-Off), "Welcome back to (the) Family Feud. - Johnny Gilbert on introducing Richard Dawson, Daytime 19921993: "Welcome to the Family Feud Challenge! Thank you." OnFamily Feud, we have two typical American families, they come out, battle it out for glory, honor, the joy of winning, and a whole lotta spending money. ", Host Introduction #2: "And now, here's the star of the Family Feud, (MR.) RICHARD DAWSON!!!" I don't know nothin' that's up there! Thank you for the ovation, and thank you for joining us at home. We have two great families(, and they're) ready to battle it out for the chance that one of them may/to win up to/might win a jackpot that could be worth $20,000. But it has proven itself to be very resilient and in due course, has developed loyal followers. [While Contestant 2 is up, the show takes a five-minute delay due to Dawson's struggles to say the question due to his laughter over the "September" answer. ", This answer will decide who will play for $XX,000., "We're giving you $500on the Green Dot re-loadable Prepaid Card. (Before the Fast Money round starts). Ray Combs: Oooohhh.. first strike. - Ray Combs because of a Fast Money Win, "Okay, (insert family), go back! We surveyed 100 people; top (insert number) answers areon the board. Contestant: Oh right, that was close in the area. Contestant: You got to keep it full, Steve. - Richard Dawson on the first taped episode of his 1994 comeback. [mouths to camera: "No way."] Harvey: Specifically, the kool-aid pitcher. Harvey:Without hesitation. Traditionally, Family Feud teams consist of five players, so teams of 4 to 6 are ideal. There were people upset, that I would embrace or hug someone of a different color. You understand that don't you?". (Steve Harvey alongside Clay Family laughing). Harvey: Name something that can ruin a kiss.Contestant: A mustache. I thanked my crew, and I thanked my director already. Family Feud Script view. Combs:[during Fast Money]Name a place you check in and out of. . (Gets buzzed, his sister said it)Contestant: The inside of my ear. Steve: Welcome to Family Feud! (And from (insert city and state),)Theyreplaying against/It's the (insert family #2)!" (cheers and applause) RICHARD: You can stop here again, here please. Call me! Sweet Eddie, I thank you. Harvey: Little late for that. [laughter from audience] You never know, Ray. We're/We are looking for (insert answer)! O'Hurley: A late-night TV personality you fall asleep listening to.Contestant #1: Jim O'Reilly.Contestant #2:Oprah Winfrey?O'Hurley:I didn't think she was a late-night person, but if you insist! Go to familyfeud.tv or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find out how!" Let's start the FAMILY FEUD!!!! Combs: Van Waylon.
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