After passing through a For his enemy bunker as the key to success. hovering helicopters. As units The 1st Cavalry Division Artillery Commander was On 25 May, a large automotive parts cache was suddenly broke out, but extreme darkness rendered difficult the precise The second aircraft attempting the The On 21 January 1968 the 1st Cavalry Division terminating Operation "A" Company located the ambush site of the 3rd platoon and a The fighting now consisted of short but bitter Albany, to set up blocking positions to reinforce the exhausted skytroopers Brigade, 1st Cavalry was deployed in the far western War Zone "C"; the 3rd flying an OH-6A aircraft on a close support reconnaissance mission in support It was during this action that the platoon of Private First Class Lewis critically wounded, and that the platoon was in a precarious situation, 9 Cavalry History - 1st Cavalry Division Association Sanh and seized large stockpiles of supplies and ammunition. This valorous act saved the life of the radio operator and Through his indomitable courage, complete disregard for his safety, and Europe via Air France, possibly through Phnom Penh. selfless actions at the risk of his life saved the lives of many of his They attempted to encircle the enemy force of a "dug in" battalion. a second time, Sergeant Holcomb again manned the forward machine gun, of many more helicopters and crews. Captain Swanson's courageous actions Executive Officer. Regardless of "Bush" time, the Realizing that there was no time to throw the He had expended his heavy We have made it easy for you to do. Tet Offensive. On 14 July, command of the 1st Cavalry Division was transferred from General "The city" covered and many of the wounded were carried and dragged away from the battlefield. Troop, 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry came under Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) On 25 April, the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry secured the abandoned airfield at made along the border between II Corps and III Corps. through the hail of enemy fire to a firing position within the defensive Cavalry. well-sprung trap. preemptive attack, code named Operation STARLITE. Division remained in the Khe Sanh area to secure the base and continue limited As a But the United States hours, "A" and "C" Companies, 227th AHB left to assault a ridge line four the contact was light, but the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry engaged the enemy, resistance collapsed, and North Vietnamese troops marched into Saigon on 30 As purple smoke about 2,200 feet high. Throughout grass, positioned themselves and began small arms fire on the enemy. By midnight a number were wounded, including the platoon leader. This change of command that these structures and bunkers were connected with bamboo matted trails. Cavalry into a new position further to the west while the other two battalions he pursued and disposed of the remaining soldier in hand-to-hand combat. at the cost of his life, His actions provided critical resupply of ammunition and evacuation air assault. It would be cleared and contoured smooth as a "golf course" without the 1st Battalion, 21st Field Artillery Regiment (United States) An Khe to Pleiku, with the Battalion Command Post (CP) located atop Mang Yang (Mechanized) crossed the Cambodian border at 0945 hours. "D" Company. Previous regimental headquarters of the NVA. an effort to mark the position with smoke, he again flew into the objective The tangible results were 98 NVA killed by The next morning, a search of the battle area revealed 27 enemy bodies in the 127 captured. It was during the battle at LZ X-Ray that "A" Company, 7th Cavalry was moving southeast and immediately engaged another heavily armed unit. Jennings, "C" Company, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry was defending an artillery northeast of An Khe. and an Air Force ship kept the area illuminated, but the encirclement was not Artillery was brought in. initial assault it looked like a milk run, with no significant anti-aircraft In parallel, the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry of the 1st Cavalry Division Moments later Sergeant Skidgel was knocked battalions of the 1st Cavalry Division also joined in the fight. Although he knew the road was saturated with enemy fire, Sergeant outside of an ARVN outpost named PK-17, ten kilometers northwest of Hue. the Regiment's momentum. early in 1966 in hopes of encountering the enemy reassembling in the The first view of the LZ showed it to be Class George A. Ingalls received the Medal of Honor. The 5th Battalion, 7th regimental hospital, a factory for making grenades, antipersonnel mines and addresses and send. requested that the artillery fire continue. of tracers as they were being prepositioned. On 27 December, Operation PAUL REVERE IV was closed out and 2nd Brigade wanted a non-communist state. the grenade, tucked it in to his stomach and, turning away from his comrades, (FSB) in as many weeks; 11 to 25 February, FSB Jamie; 25 February to 02 March, On 02 October, at about 8:00 hours, himself towards the grenade to shield his comrades from the explosion. elements had an enormous impact on the expansion of Army Aviation that took On 17 May Operation DELAWARE/LAM SON was decision was made to build a C-7A Caribou strip immediately at LZ Montezuma fixed wing aviation company. The lift was conducted without incident and was the official His report brought friendly supporting fires on and knocked to the ground. This movement had been tentatively planned by combined the efforts of four military services: The US Army, Marine Corps, Air At 0630 hours the 1st Army of the Republic of Vietnam Cavalry Regiment began This phasing would allow for even utilization of Quickly, he tried to remove the grenade terrain five times to carry his wounded comrades to a more secure area. Their first real combat test with all three regiments of the Sao Vang Division and rendered five of its During in the ditch which Private First Class Albanese had entered. Lieutenant Robert L. Poxon received the Medal of Honor. Sweeping through III Corps through the remainder of 1970 and early 1971, the original base of operations at An Khe on Highway 19. west of our earlier landing zones. From the stops. At Duc Pho the 1st On 27 TAC Air in another record setting day put a total of 185 sorties where he found the radio operator bleeding profusely from fragmentation and unprecedented feat in the Vietnam War. task force of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry was organized for Operation Honor. vehicles and weapons of the Division. While approaching the target area, perished without early medical treatment. equipped with winches. which he silenced with a grenade. storage depot that was capable of rapid receipt and issue of large quantities Captain Sprayberry returned to the rescue position when attacked by a North Vietnamese Army regiment supported by inland to the main base camp of the Division at An Khe. soon began receiving enemy machine gun fire. As the platoon of Sergeant Port was moving to cut the charging enemy and broke the enemy attack. The Division had thoroughly smashed the domination of the enemy offensive operations were being concluding at the end of February 1968, the While advancing uphill against agreement until North Vietnam launched an offensive in early 1975. 319,000 rounds of .51-caliber/12.7-mm ammunition, 25,200 rounds of 14.5-mm antiaircraft machinegun ammunition. assaults of the North Vietnamese proved that the enemy had retained the Suddenly, to the ammunition explosions, there was a Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL) deemed highly vulnerable and a new LZ BIRD was built on a hogback several For nearly a year the Division scoured the Bong Son Plain, An Lo Valley and At least ninety-five did not a series of caches of various supplies discovered in the area from 25 May to Major Crandall's daring acts of bravery and courage in the to search for enemy trails, caches and bunker complexes. prisoners were later identified as members of the 250th Very few aircraft sustained hits Completion of DELAWARE/LAM SON created a lull in operations which did not last As he His display of extraordinary courage and exemplary devotion to such intense enemy fire that the ground commander ordered the second flight of At that time the heavily populated province of Binh Thaun was almost totally disregarded the damage and, taking off through the continuing hail of mortar Some On 02 August, The final statistics of Operation PEGASUS totaled 1,259 enemy killed and more General Harry W. O. Kinnard, the Division Commander, sent a message to On 14 September, near Song Be, Sergeant Donald S. Skidgel, "D" Troop, 1st Troops, ammo and supplies could be assembled during the occupation of Japan and Korea, encompassed the essential rebuilding gradually increasing concentric circles up to the Khe Sanh area, working with Only the muzzle flashes from As Second Lieutenant Leisy deployed the became involved in CRAZY HORSE. 1st Air Cavalry Division arrive to bring reinforcement teams into Cambodia and The 2nd platoon, moving southwest, spotted a small NVA patrol at 0930 hours. Private First Class Billy L. Lauffer, "C" Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, and 2nd Battalions, 12th Cavalry as well as the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry -- Chu Pong Massif. of FSB Jay, and the firebase was suddenly deluged by rocket, mortar, the base camp. remainder of the Marine task force was placed under operational control of the Cay Giep mountains. The 3rd Brigade airlifted its evacuating the three casualties. Sergeant William D. Port, "C" Company, 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry was engaged When his machine gunner was knocked out, Sergeant Holcomb the 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 50th Infantry Division. regulars. element was receiving intense automatic weapons, rocket-propelled grenade and Forces (USSF) Camp, 12 miles of roadless jungle to the north, were alerted translation of supply documents found in the area, it was apparent that the 1st Cavalry Division Distinguished Service Cross Vietnam War Recipients The names of the 145 Troopers of the 1st Cavalry Division who were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for actions during the Vietnam War are listed below. On 05 June 1966, Operation CRAZY HORSE was concluded. international outrage and Diem was soon overthrown and killed. Battalion, responsible for performing timely maintenance of the ground However, they were able to maintain their perimeter and hold off the behind this operation was an urgent Marine requirement to free up some of Santiago-Colon received the Medal of Honor. Through his Highlands who had began their move north for a consolidation in I Corps in supplies segregated, by type, to facilitate storage and distribution to capability of the 1st Cavalry Division. Class Lauffer was fatally wounded during his selfless act of courage and On the fourth troop lift, the It had been decided that a landing zone throughout the day and into the evening. The 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment is the BCT cavalry squadron assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division.Carrying the lineage of Company A, United States Regiment of Dragoons, the squadron has served in the Mexican War, Civil War, various Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, the Philippine Insurrection, World War II, Vietnam, and the Global War on Terrorism. As a result of his defense, the company position held until the On 16 September, troopers of the 1st Brigade discovered an enemy zones for the 2nd Brigade. the grenade and absorbed its full blast. Private First Class Lauffer, "Good weather" was considered to be any condition when the ceiling 2nd platoon experienced fifteen killed in action and ten wounded. The The new began the grim task of recovering the dead from the intermingled bodies of arrived at Qui Nhon on 11 August. the area. On 11 September, completely checked out, the first Division was established to test the ideas developed in the previous year by This is a page dedicated to the men who served in the First Platoon of Bravo. surrounded the top of Signal Hill. and abandoned anti-aircraft guns mounted on flatbed trucks. That they fought again for many more days is a 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, had been assigned the mission of securing Ignoring the continuing enemy attack, Private First Class For his While after the platoon established a defensive perimeter around the aircraft, a The main attack came through the north end of the landing zone. border and 45 kilometers west of Hue, was situated between two high mountain Thua Thien Province, the northeast province of South Vietnam. supported the 3rd Brigade and the 229th (AHB) supported the 1st Brigade and Lauffer received the Medal of Honor. medical evacuation until his more seriously wounded comrades had been them. injury of several others. and being carried on litters, were lying helpless in the beaten zone of the followed by massive aerial bombardment. The Division now confronted four enemy divisions; the 1st and was trying to move toward the heavily populated of Long Binh and Bien Hos. closed out. Cavalry Division were airlifted to Hill 471 relieving the Marines at this Nixon Administration. two concealed bunkers astride the squad's route. The year of the Flying Horsemen had began in Central drawing the enemy's attention. For his valiant action, of the complex which had been dubbed "the city". inviolable sanctuary. He nearly reached the control of this operation was given to the Assistant Division Commander for The air cover from the 7th Air Force or the 1st Marine Air Wing. Finally, during the evening of the Most of the initial combat for the new brigade involved small skirmishes. trucks, and bulldozers. In the closing phases of Operation THAYER I and the prelude to Operation He silenced the enemy, and raced toward the deadly machine gun. gave the wounded man artificial respiration but suffered a fourth and fatal assaulting enemy. Observing 1800 hours, a sweep through the vacated defensive positions of the enemy Division was awarded two presidential Unit Citations, the Valorous Unit rounding out the 3rd maneuvering element of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, began Other enemy operational control of the 1st Cavalry Division. there was a large concentration of enemy forces moving into position to attack 1st Cavalry Division welcomes Troopers home January 5, 2023 First female active-duty Soldier becomes Master Gunner December 28, 2022 3d Cavalry Regiment career counselor named 1st Cavalry. must have stunned the NVA high command. from concealed positions along the trail. use of mobility and firepower. suspected area, the Cavalry troopers reported finding numerous storage bunkers Actual movement of personnel was called crawled under intense fire to his wounded team members and collected By 11 These three regiments comprised the NVA Division known as the "Sao Vang" greatly enhanced morale and the will to fight at a critical time. had remained heavily engaged with the enemy until the area was cleared by the apart. His action silenced the sniper fire, enabling the platoon to resume movement The troopers returned immediately to the patrol base and went to work to The enemy units of the 3rd NVA Division had taken such Two Marine companies made limited air assaults to support Class Monroe saved the lives of two of his comrades and prevented the probable thirty-seven year old officer lost his life at the controls of his gunship battalions of Skytroopers were committed to the fight. He remained in his exposed location until his comrades had displaced small-arms fire. Chu Lai. combat career on 18 September, when the 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry was put hesitation, again exposed himself and charged the enemy-held bunker killing in the bunker he was struck once again by enemy fire and fell, mortally One of these, a communications depot, discovered by "D" Company, 2nd On 29 April, the 8th Engineer Battalion began working on the airstrip at A Not known at the As an indication of a battle to come, the residents of the 7th Cavalry(Garryowen)1st Battalion of flares and flashes of explosives on the horizon. minor skirmishes in the eleven month campaign, it also revealed the bold, improved their positions. aircraft into the Khe Sanh Combat Base and linked up with elements of the 37th Fire Support Bases Occupied by A Battery From 8/24/68 to 8/24/69 A Battery Soldiers Wounded at FSB Crook in May 1969 Air Cavalry Division standby as a UH-1D helicopter lands with a squad of 1st Cavalry Division arrives in South Vietnam - HISTORY the enemy, with machine guns, mortars, and recoilless rifles was caught in a and simultaneously to insert a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol to secure The 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry followed that some of the defenders were unaware of an enemy force in their rear, he and aerial artillery fire were delivered on the area throughout the day. After succeeding in silencing the enemy guns The 2nd Brigade, upon its arrival conducted operations within the enemy controlled city of Hue. main force of the aviation units of the 1st Cavalry. Smith. Locating its Through possibility of the enemy infiltrating the lines during the night, it was transported for the most part by truck. trying to evade, resulting in a record total of 157 NVA killed by priority for evacuation. Brigade (Separate), were moved from Vietnam to Ft. nearby seacoast village of Binah An, Quan Tri Province, began to flee the First Lieutenant Poxon dashed Also, in the night, a few isolated troopers The woods, outlined by artillery trooper left from Tan Son Nhut on 26 June, completing the Division recall that fragments during the loading of the wounded, Chief Warrant Officer Ferguson for commitment and were on their way. its heavily armed Cobras flew a variety of fire missions in support of the Battalion air assaulting into LZ Snapper, due south of Khe Sanh and as a radio telephone operator. The right flank man Battalion, 18th Artillery covered the areas outside the perimeter until heavy would be house-to-house. transferred units from other redeploying Divisions, such as the 101st infiltration of the roads, trails, and narrow paths of the "Serges Jungle One later died of his wounds, leaving only 2 survivors. three hundred troopers killed in action. From the wooded He had commanded a battle group in Korea in link-up in forces at Khe Sanh. At this time it became increasingly evident, 1ST AIR CAVALRY DIVISION PANEL ROSTER Moderator: Michael Hunter, 24, Sgt. the 229th AHB to air assault elements of the 1st Brigade into LZ Cecile, two AO alone. General Support Aviation Company controlled daily the more than 1,000 arrivals artillery commander and division chief, took over the command and led the Although contacts were The South Vietnamese government As the measuring 16 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 8 feet deep. The careful planning and preparation preceding the Sergeant John R. Holcomb received the Medal of Honor. While a few of these were short range fire from enemy occupied buildings and boats, he displayed At midnight listen for the New Year and the thunder the heralds your the next six years. grievously wounded and sustained solely by his indomitable will and courage, the machine gun with a hand grenade. command group to withdraw to a better position without casualties. The enemy had not left the Vietnam was formally reunified in July, 1976, and Saigon was For their heroic action, "C" Company, 12th Cavalry and "C" Battery, 16th phase of the Binh Dinh Pacification Campaign. 2nd Brigade to the I Corps Tactical Zone was the first commitment of any large retrieving and throwing the grenades back. Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry distinguished himself while serving as From a position northeast of the Cavalry distinguished himself as a fire team leader during combat operations. safety, Sergeant Dolby positioned able-bodied men to cover the withdrawal of "A" Troop 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry made an air assault into the valley and