The Local Government Association Board made up of elected councillors have done a U-turn on a key part of the Local Government Pay Offer. The Joint National Secretaries for GMB, Unison, and Unite, have written to the NJC Employer Side expressing dissapointment and reiterate requests for urgent further negotiation and talks on the issue of Local Government Pay. Any offer that is accepted will be back dated to 1st April, 2020. Unions call for a 'substantial' pay rise for council and school workers Tuesday 16 February 2021 Three local government unions have submitted a pay claim for 2021/22, which they say begin s to redress a decade of cuts and recognise s the key role played in the pandemic by school and council staff. Become a workplace organiser - stand up to injustice in your workplace! FAO: England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. It is applicable to rates of pay from 1 April 2021 onwards and the LGA has encouraged employers "to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible." Unison's head of local government Mike Short said the focus would now be on achieving a more substantial pay rise for 2022-23. Support staff: pay | NEU Millions of British public sector workers to be offered 5% pay rise Public Sector Pay Policy For 2022-23 Background The 2022-23 Public Sector Pay Policy sets out the parameters for pay increases for staff pay remits and senior appointments and applies to public bodies with settlement dates in the year between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023 (inclusive). We put all Local Government, Councils, Schools and Academies Pay updates covered by the NJC on the GMB website, so please visit to find out the latest. Prices are skyrocketing, with inflation about to hit 10%. We will inform the employers of the result and are awaiting the outcome of the ballots of our sister unions. We are grateful for all of their important work and focus over a difficult year. We are asking councillors to debate and sign this model motion for councils. The letter from Cllr Sian Golding was seeking an urgent commitment from the government that the cost to local government employers of central governments policy on the National Living Wage (NLW) will be met for this year, 2022-3 and in future local government settlements. The letter also stated that without the estimated 800m cost of workable NLW compliance being met by central government some councils and other employers will have significant difficulty in affording the pay award which would result in jobs and services being put at risk. The National Employers, who negotiate pay on behalf of local authorities, made the offer to unions today. 100+ respondents would be interested in becoming a GMB Rep in the workplace. Full details of the offer can be found here. Three local government unions have called for a wage increase of at least 10% for all council and school workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Local Government Pay Claim 2021/22 - Full & Final Position - SLCC Following the pay offer which falls short of our pay claim we need a much stronger message to government, so we have written to the employers calling specifically for them to join us and call for more funding for local government pay. We are now entering into talks to make a collective pay claim for 2021-22 for all members in local government, and to do that, we need to hear from you: Members! Recruit a member - Strength in numbers! Local Government employers have only tabled a 1.75% pay offer. STATE OF ALASKA: STATE OF HAWAII: U.S. Office of Personnel . Its not just GMB that is shouting about this. You are right that local government staff are a vital part of our national infrastructure providing services that everyone relies on and protecting some of the most vulnerable in our society. Sadly, although GMB were willing to ensure that you received the money as soon as possible, this view has not been supported by the other unions. FAO: England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. (Approximately 1 million workers plus are covered). GMB launched a campaign to lobby councillors details of which can be found at its not too late we need to keep the pressure up: We are more than angry that elected officials from political parties are potentially suppressing the case to Government to boost the 2.75% pay offer. 'Now is the time - have your say on pay' - UNISON National Thank you to all GMB members for taking the time to vote in the recent Indicative Industrial Action Ballot. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, local government and council workers have kept the country going, working above and beyond the call of duty, putting themselves and their families at risk to support the effort against Covid-19. Whilst voting in this ballot was set against an unprecedented time with members fighting Covid-19 and keeping communities' safe turnout was the best it could be under these circumstances. Inflation is running at above 4% and workers have faced 23% real terms pay cut over the last decade. At a time of rising inflation, high energy costs and increased mortgage and rent payments our members deserve a fully funded, inflation linked pay rise. Councils benefit from Holyrood windfall. Thank you to all GMB members who responded to recent surveys regarding your aspirations for pay this year. Work in a Local Authority? I wish to put on record again my gratitude to public sector workers in Scotland for their response to the pandemic and . NJC Payscales for 2021/22 | NICVA There is strength in numbers, employers can ignore one voice but when we all speak together they have to take notice. This means all members will now get a vote to decide on whether to take strike action to stop these pay cuts. The 2023-24 rate peg also includes an adjustment for the change in the superannuation guarantee in 2021-22. . The Low Pay Commission's recommendations set. Here's how you know . Despite this, we are continuing to push for the agreement from the other unions in the hope that we can still get this paid and March and will update you very shortly with an update. 2 Marsham Street GMB is disappointed that the pay offer doesnt reflect the pay claim and have made strong representation to your employers for months that the pay offer falls short of expectations. The National Joint Council negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of staff in local authorities. School staff, refuse collectors and council workers have kept our country moving through the coronavirus crisis, often putting themselves in harm's way. There are no nationally determined jobs or pay grades in local government, unlike in other parts of the public sector.-ENDS-, Local Government Association company number 11177145, Membership and services for councils and councillors, LGA principal advisers and regional teams, Licences, regulations and trading standards, A substantial increase with a minimum of 10% on all spinal column points, Introduction of a homeworking allowance for all staff who are working from home, A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils, A reduction of the working week to 35 hours with no loss of pay, and a reduction to 34 hours a week in London. It agrees an annual uplift to the national pay spine, on which each individual council decides where to place its employees. In terms of the ballot result, we can now inform you that GMB members covered by the National Joint Council for Local Government have rejected the latest pay offer of 1.75% and have voted for industrial action with 60% of returns in favour of action. GMB urges Local Government employers to get back round the table and improve the pay offer NOW. The National Employers hope this offer can quickly form the basis of an agreement between the two Sides so that employees, who continue to provide such critical support to their communities, can receive a well-deserved pay rise as soon as practicable. GMBwill meet with the other recognised unions (Unison & Unite) on Tuesday 1st November 2022 and notify them and the employers of our result. The policy delivers an above-inflation headline pay increase of one per cent to all those earning between 25,000 and 80,000 and, to reduce the overall income gap, a capped increase of 800 for those earning above 80,000. The letter sent to you in July set out the crisis within Local Government and School funding and this needs to be properly addressed, not further exacerbated by cuts. Since then, we have received news that of the other unions, Unisons members in England and Wales also rejected the offer but as their ballot turnout was a low turnout, they also have no ability to progress the issue via any form of industrial action. Council employees have been offered a pay increase of 1.50% from 1 April 2021. Local authorities were required to accommodate potential public sector pay awards in this year's budget planning following the 176m cash increase in the local government settlement provided by Welsh Government for 2021-22. The three big unions - Unison, GMB and Unite - tabled their pay claim for last year on 15 February 2021, which was much later than in previous years, when claims were usually lodged before Christmas. Members of the National Employers Side The results are in. The employers 1.75% offer is wholly inadequate and with energy bills skyrocketing, shopping bills going up, and inflation high and rising, it represents yet another pay cut for workers who have seen a quarter of the value of their pay wiped out since 2010. Multiplier tables. GMBs National Committees agreed that our claim should include: an increase of no lessthanRPI; a Covid recognition payment, review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers; a reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 hours in London); a review of mileage rates. Your letter has been passed to HM Treasury. The employers 1.75% offer is wholly inadequate and with energy bills skyrocketing, shopping bills going up, and inflation high and rising, it represents yet another pay cut for workers who have seen a quarter of the value of their pay wiped out since 2010. The employers declined to do this and today made the following full and final offer in response to our pay claim: Rehana Azam, GMB National Secretary, said: School staff, refuse collectors and council workers have kept our country moving through the coronavirus crisis, often putting themselves in harm's way. All ofthe results were collated and considered by your GMB teams of Officers and Reps and the GMBs National Local Government and Schools Committees. A member consultation will be issued in the coming weeks for you to complete to ensure you have your say on your pay. This includes 1 billion of new grant funding in 2023-24 and 1.7 billion in 2024-25, further flexibility on council tax, and savings from delaying the rollout of adult social care charging reforms. Further to recent updates, we wanted to keep you informed as to developments in the 2021 pay offer. For every four GMB members who voted, three rejected the employers 1.75% pay offer for 2021/22. 2 Marsham Street London The vote has therefore carried and employers have now been notified. Ms Cooke spoke of the continuing challenge that we face in ensuring that the [National Joint Council] pay spine is able to absorb the impact of significant annual increases to the national living wage. (additional copies for HR Director and Finance Director) I am writing to update you on the work we have been doing on your behalf on the local government national pay negotiations for 2021. By Jim Dunton. Its a scandal that people doing some of the most important jobs in our society are dealing with this cost-of-living crisis whilst living with chronically low pay. Employers will now consider the pay claim ahead of pay negotiations starting. Please ensure your details are up to date as only GMB members will get a vote in our ballot. In making . It sets out the parameters for pay increases for staff pay remits and senior appointments and applies to public bodies with settlement dates in the year between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 (inclusive). An. The rate peg is the maximum percentage amount by which a council may increase its general income for the year. As you are aware, GMB members rejected the 1.75% offer although on a turn out significantly below that required to give us any confidence that we could win a ballot for industrial action. Read the entire letter below: GMB will be running briefings on the offer and our pay campaign for reps and members. Local Government Red Book Craft Workers Noticeboard | GMB Henrico proposes the largest pay raise for school and government The increase is 1.75% on all pay points applicable from 01 April 2021. The measure will hit lower paid workers hard and should be scrapped. The detail in the unions' claim cites an RPI figure of 10.7 per cent, which is the current annual forecast for RPI in 2023, published in November 2022 by the Office for Budget Responsibility. It is not yet known whether the trade unions will accept this latest proposal, which the National Joint Council that . 2. GMB Union is calling on you to urgently address this pressing matter and offer financial support to protect jobs and services. Also, keep any eye on the following link where regular updates will be posted GMB Workplace Noticeboards. Written Statement: Report and recommendations from the Independent GMB CoronavirusHub resources can be found at here. The employers also propose that the NJC begins immediate exploratory discussions on three other elements of your claim, as follows: There was no support from councils for the offer to include three other elements of your claim, therefore the employers reject the following. - Your authority on UK local government - Union starts . Further details of pay scales will be issued shortly. Government offers civil servants 1.5% pay rise in revised offer Circular 09/2021 FEMPI Pay Restoration 1 July 2021. . 3.2% Federal Pay Raise Bill Appears in Senate - Government Executive Find out more about the unions' 130 year history, GMB membership offers plenty of extrabenefits, GMB's structures, rules and all things Congress. With the increasing prices and the cost of living rising to an all-time high, this failure is hitting hard. 25 May 2021. 3. Perhaps you deliver a service across Local Government? Three local government unions have today (Monday) submitted a pay claim for 2021/22, which they say begin s to redress a decade of cuts and recognise s the key role played in the pandemic by school and council staff. I am replying as the Minister responsible for public spending. However, the Government recognises that inflation is higher than it was when these budgets were set and is committed to supporting councils to deliver high-quality public services. This could either mean continuing to seek further talks with the employers or moving to an Industrial Action Ballot campaign. Compensation costs for state and local government workers increased 4.8 percent for the 12-month period ending in December 2022, compared with an increase of 2.6 percent in December 2021. Council employees pay offer announced Keeping you up to date and in touch on GMB issues that matter to you. A pay cut in real terms. Public sector pay policy 2021-2022 (superseded) - I would like to offer my apologies for the delayed response. Unions representing hundreds of thousands of local government workers have rejected a 1.5% pay offer, describing it as "insulting" to staff who worked hard to keep vital services running throughout the coronavirus pandemic. The real problem is the impact of the rise in the long term. The Debt Ceiling in 2023: An In-Depth Analysis of Government Debt GMB presented this claim to Unison and Unite in discussions to agree thisyear'sjoint union pay claim. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic our Local Government, School and Council workers have continued to work tirelessly to keep the country going, working above and beyond the call of duty, putting themselves and their families at risk to support the effort against Covid-19. "That's why the chancellor must free up the funds in the spring statement for an above-inflation rise for all staff. London, VIDEO: Latest information on the pay offer and GMB campaign. If you feel your workplace is not safe, or would like a GMB rep to support you in making your workplace safe please get in touch with your local GMB office by clicking the button below. Date: 15/07/2021 It's right that workers are fairly rewarded for their input into the economy. The success of busting the pay freeze was down to members coming together to take an active role in campaigning for pay justice and we need your help again in achieving this. Public service pensions increases - GOV.UK The pay negotiations will also be influenced by shifting government policy. Local Government workers know they need a proper pay rise and this isnt it. However, as the results have been broken down by local authority, it has taken some time to analyse these which is necessary to understand the strength of feeling in different parts of the country. Local government pay - the National Joint Council (NJC) Defending and improving members' pay is one of UNISON's main tasks. Thank you very much for your letter of 18 October regarding the letter sent by the National Employers for Local Government Services. 20 January 2022. FAO: Local Government, Council and School workers across England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. This represents an increase of 59 pence or 6.6 per cent. London There are also concerns about how the 2022 pay claim, which unions are this week poised to begin consulting their members over, will be impacted by the rise in the national living wage which is expected to hit 10.70 by 2024. GMB will now meet with reps to discuss next steps for a ballot on the offer and if this leads to industrial action, members will have our full support.. Each council takes into account a number of factors such as job size and local labour market conditions when deciding an employees salary. A School? Regional Directors14. A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils. Application of 1 July 2021 FEMPI Pay Restoration for certain Civil We will start our consultative ballot in November. Part-time staff to be given a choice of a pro rata reduction, or retaining the same hours and being paid a higher percentage of FTE, A minimum of 25 days annual leave, plus public holidays and statutory days, for all starting employees, plus an extra day holiday on all other holiday rates that depend on service, An agreement on a best practice national programme of mental health support for all local authorities and school staff, A joint review of job descriptions, routes for career developments and pay banding for school support staff, and completion of the outstanding work of the joint term-time only review group. This pay offer does not apply to council chief executives, senior officers, teachers or firefighters, who are covered by separate national pay arrangements. Visit our, Council employees set to lose part of pay rise. To discuss pay and to build support for the pay rise. GMB NJC meetings have already taken place with the majority view that we move to a pay claim that asks for a substantial pay increase but that this pay round we include a conditions claim as there are several areas NJC unions want to discuss with the employer in the next pay round. GMB union met with the Local Government employers on Wednesday 13th October 2021. The more people who join GMB, the stronger we can make your work better, Organise a workplace meeting or email us and we will organise one at GMBs priority is to make sure your workplace is safe so please do get in touch if you are worried about lack of safety measures at work -, 2. Payments will be slightly affected by the national insurance rise. Unions previously said the negotiations had reached a deadlock after the government initially offered no increase.. With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.50 per cent on all NJC pay points 1 and above, Completion of the outstanding work of the joint Term-Time Only review group, A joint review of the provisions in the Green Book for maternity / paternity / shared parental / adoption leave. The three unions have submitted a pay claim for a rise of at least 10 per cent for all council and school support employees in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The OBR forecast nominal earnings would . Therefore, to meet the pay element of the claim in full (12.7 per cent) would increase local government's national paybill by more than 2.1bn. They are the people collecting our bins and sweeping our streets in all weathers, educating and looking after our children, taking care of our elderly, sick, and most vulnerable, and doing all the other countless, crucial jobs for the public. 2022 National Pay Negotiations | Local Government Association Three quarters of GMB members balloted (75%) have voted to reject the pay offer. Unite council staff 'support industrial action', after voting IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE GMB IS CAMPAIGNING FOR A HUGE TURNOUT TO DEMONSTRATE TO YOUR EMPLOYERS WE WONT ACCEPT FURTHER PAY CUTS. But, for so many workers in the public sector, every day is a real struggle, and its getting worse. A 23 or 24-year-old paid the current full national minimum wage rate of 8.20 an hour will need to be paid at least the NLW rate of 8.91 an hour. The government's '3% pay rise' is a cut in real terms for nurses All risk assessments will need to updated and there are previous circulars covering this which can be found online. However, the Government would expect councils to take into account wider public sector pay awards and overall affordability when negotiating the pay settlement. Local employers will be contacted immediately and advised to implement the pay offer. This article is more than 1 year old. A commitment to ensure adult social care workers receive at least the Real Living Wage of 9.50 an hour has been agreed with COSLA. A joint review of the provisions in the Green Book for maternity / paternity / shared parental / adoption leave. When local government employers met earlier this week to issue their revised pay offer of 1.75% - an increase of 0.25% that UNISON regards as 'insignificant' - they did so against a backdrop of growing discontent over a proposed increase that fails to reflect the hard work and sacrifices made by council and school workers during the pandemic. SW1P 4DF, Sent by email: The cost of filling up a car is at record levels. Now that many protections have been removed, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. GMB members working in local government and school & academies that follow National Joint Council (NJC Green Book) pay, terms and conditions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, have received a pay offer today. Local government pay is negotiated between the National Joint Councils employer and union representatives. Please also ensure your membership details are correct and you can update any changes here. Vote and vote YES for Strike Action/Action Short of a Strike. The National Employers have today made the following one-year offer to the unions representing the main local government NJC workforce: With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.50. National Secretary 1. If the majority of GMB members vote YES, a formal ballot for industrial action will take place. Secretary of State Department for Levelling Up, The NJC payscales, which are local government payscales resulting from negotiations between the employer and trade union sides of the National Joint Council, have been agreed for the 2021/22 year. Representatives of councils across England, Wales and Northern Ireland made the offer to 1.5 million local authority . We communicated the clear strength of feeling among local government, council and school workers about how disappointed and angry people are and why members have rejected the plans for pay cuts. Energy bills are out of control. Wilko bosses should hang their heads in shame. Hundreds of occupations are covered by this pay offer. The pay claim for 2021/22 from UNISON, GMB and Unite calls for a 'substantial' pay rise to tackle ten years of pay restraint and recognise the key role played by staff during the pandemic. The Consumer Prices Index rate of inflation is currently 3.2%. National Employers for local government services, To: Chief Executives in England, Wales and N Ireland (This is the agreed minimum hourly rate that will apply to any employee of a Scottish Council.)