- Added one line to "What's on Your Mind?" - Declining Serana's marriage proposal will no longer gate future Serana Romance content. Serana confesses her true feelings to the Dragonborn after the defeating Her Father Harkon in the final Dawnguard quest.Mods Installed - 365SDA MOD - 3.3.2 V. - Full implementation of lockpick dialogue (requires SKSE, but who doesn't have it these days?). * Even with that considered, this mod will still continue to be developed and updated with a plethora of new content in the future. - Renamed an SDA test cell for compatibility with the Umbra Creation Club mod. Serana Dialogue Add-On at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community - Added dialogue to disable candlelight and some cloak spells (Frost, Lightning, Whirlwind). If you've been having problems with the quest, this bugfix update should fix it for sure. This is to help iron out the writing quality of the mod overall, and make it generally fit in better with Serana's vanilla depiction in Dawnguard. This should hopefully help with problems some users have been experiencing. More spell disables (voiced this time) will be added in with the 3.2 update. yeah youre right, but i was just checking if someone had done these quests its not im reporting a bug or . - Serana (and other followers) no longer triggers traps while stepping on them. Added in Serana crouch bugfix, based on the code of Serana Improvements and Fixes by DRFire9001. The reason of this being that while vampires in Elder Scrolls are undead, they still retain a lot of characteristics from their mortal life. - Main Quest commentary completely redone with more immersive and extensive dialogue for each stage of it. - College of Winterhold general location awareness and commentary. She will have radiant conversations with barkeeps and order drinks for herself. - Fixed College of Winterhold opinion dialogue bug when playing as a Dunmer, - Fixed Serana having vampire dialogue even though she's cured, - Fixed some dialogue bugs with the final Serana Romance quest, - Some love radiant greets ("What is it pretty boy/girl") had the wrong conditions set - they should now only occur if Serana has been romanced. - Changed the cooldown of the radiant misc. Again, to rectify this just stand still or move in her direction. Also prevents NFF's tavern interactions from firing off during the "Date at the Bannered Mare" quest. - Serana cooking home-cooked meals for you. - Fixed some backend problems with the SDA Injured Dialogue. - Removed "LocTypeDwelling" from the outfit changing script. After this update, NFF (and any follower framework support for Serana) will be obsolete. Seeing that the implementation has changed, this quest record serves no purpose. - Added quest commentary for Arvak and Jiub quests, - Added radiant quest dialogue for Volkihar side, - Added a radiant conversation with Serana after she's been injured in a fight and her health is below a certain percentage. Previously ignored quests (like "Season Unending") are now covered as well. Child interactions have been delayed and are currently on the backburner due to the sheer amount of content in this update already. - New romance content towards the earlier parts of Serana's romance plotline. - SDA On Location Change quest commentaries/scripts will no longer fire if the Serana Cure Quest is active. Improvements to dialogue scene AI packages, Improvements to Radiant Hello Timings (should be more varied and less spammy). - Added condition check for SDA_SeranaRomance4 to not have that conversation occur within the premises of Castle Volkihar, - Added condition check for recap dialogue branch to only occur after Chasing Echoes, - Added some more failsafes to ensure the aliases for the Serana Date quest filled, - Reduced the frequency of some combat lines so they would be less repetitive and annoying, - Improved dialogue body animations for some dialogue lines. Serana can now order drinks in taverns every now and then. If you have downloaded the Wintersun patch(s) - please re-download the new versions, as they've been edited to reflect this compatibility change as well. Added more safeguards to the triggerboxes for some College of Winterhold commentaries, so that they can't be triggered if Serana isn't following the player. Decreased Inigo and Sofia banter frequency by 25%, Main Quest commentary fixes, particularly with Ustengrav quest, Fixed disappearing "I love you" dialogue option, Fixed House of Horrors commentary issues, Code optimizations for Companions Quest Commentary, (besides fixes) Code optimizations for House of Horrors Quest Commentary, Serana will no longer say negative Companions lines in her radiant greets if you've told her you've chosen to cure them of their lycanthropy, Improved coding practices also applied to new content (CoW and DB quest commentary), Code improvements to main SDA Dialogue Quest Record. - Added framework for future patchless integrations with Apocalypse Spells. - Removed temporary sound processing left from the CK. - Created an optional patch for the Lustmord Armor mod. The player isn't her thrall or blood cow. - Serana's Necklace of Vivacity now has custom meshes and textures! - Added radiant quest dialogue for the Dawnguard side. - One of Serana's easter egg lines (What a grand and intoxicating innocence) didn't have a cooldown and a rarity condition applied. In later conversations, romance can still be opted out of, as usual. These new lines are also faction-aware, so Serana will have different responses based on whether or not you're part of a particular group in Skyrim. Disabled for now until scene framework is fully put together. Serana will also tend to initiate the conversation with you about how she feels on current Main Quest-related events. - Patch functionality was fixed- it should now do its thing properly. - Spell Enabling/Disabling voiced responses. Now when the player lockpicks a container, Serana will occasionally comment on it. Why? Serena Dialogue Add-on update : r/SkyrimModsXbox - reddit This is to prevent narrative whiplash; like how Serana could comment on your romance when the Archmage just died. dialogue. It's no longer a spontaneous and spur of the moment decision. - Added conditions for some of Serana's radiant dialogue to only occur if she likes the player romantically, - Made the facial animations for some dialogues more expressive. To see it, and for immersion-sake, talk to Serana RIGHT BEFORE entering the haunted house. This quest can be triggered after the Bannered Mare Date and the subsequent friendship conversation. Even vampires need some shut-eye every now and then. Regardless, Serana will not want to go in that house at any cost because of Molag Bal's history with her family. 4. conversations; as well as in location commentary, role-play dialogue, race commentary, and Serana Romance Quest. The "Trust" conversation is gated behind the Serana Romance as this is a very personal topic that more thematically makes sense with the Serana Romance friendship/lover development. PLEASE heed this advice as if you don't, you might run into some weird and annoying wonkiness. - Serana can now store items in a dedicated storage inventory without using or equipping them. So if you don't have the mod installed, the commentary should still run, but there will be a bit of a narrative disconnect. This should prevent Serana talking to NPCs pretty far away, or in a different room, - Some line corrections for SDA Romance Ancestor Glade conversation, - Added more alternate voice toggles, improving the overall VA transition experience. Serana won't say some dialogue if both she and the player are vampires, Reworked internal structure of SDA's Dialogue Menu, Reworked internal structure of Serana's Hold location commentaries, Tweaked dialogue priorities for some of Serana's in-conversation dialogue. Incorporated Serana Hood Fix by thetrader, with modifications by me. - Added Serana's brief commentary on Skyrim's factions. Now Serana should never be lost again! - The "Kjarah" name was using a voice file with the wrong pronunciation. - Disabled another bloodcursed arrows topic that should have been disabled. - Added interaction with Serana, being able to ask her to rest after a long day's adventuring. - Added in safeguards for "House of Horrors" quest commentary to not occur at the wrong time. (you can find the list on my website) All of these names are applicable for hello and goodbye greets, some of them have love greets! She will say yes or no depending on whether she's good with it or not. - Removed vanilla bloodcursed arrows dialogue. - During Drinking Buddies, Serana should now only comment on Solstheim if you've been there. Conditional to only occur if player has started the main quest and is recognized as Dragonborn. This has been fixed. Tweaked some of Serana's forcegreet packages (mostly in Serana Romance), for her to run faster towards the player and for them to trigger and longer distances. - Final Serana Romance quest to end Serana's Romance questline. - Added conditions to the "Trust" quest music track, just more safeguards to ensure that it doesn't keep playing even after the quest is finished. - The seated position also has it's respective and unique drinking animations, using what is already provided in the base-game (not requiring animation frameworks like FNIS or Nemesis). - Tweaked quest priority for the different NPC scenes, as previously having them all be at the same priority was causing problems with alias filling. Well, after installing (as of this writing) 237 mods (including SDA) and never having gone through the Dawnguard questline at all in any of my many test playthroughs, I look forward to seeing what all this mod has in store. - Riften: Mjoll, Talen-Jei, Maven Black-Briar, Grelka, - Adjusted probability for some of the random NPC conversations, - Changed conditions for random NPC conversations to start occuring earlier in the Dawnguard questline, - Tweaked distance that NPC conversations occur, - New measures were added to ensure Serana faces conversation NPCs when she should, - Fixed inconsistencies in the conditions for some radiant lines, - Some backend additions as failsafes to ensure NPC aliases properly fill. Serana will still eventually be attracted to the player (should the player have chosen the romance route) but this will be shown more organically and Serana should come off as less horny and/or player-pandering. - Minor subtitle tweaks for the Sorine scene triggers. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Martimius ported the overhaul to Xbox in June, and updated it on both platforms. On top of knowing if the player has a vanilla home, I'd also like to add support for modded homes as well. To fix this, just stop moving to refresh Serana's package stack. Anyone who wants to disable and toggle Serana's raise zombie spells will need to download this new patch, and if they use Serana replacers, make their own patches via xEdit. Too much was cut that some parts of the conversation didn't make any sense. Big Update! Still, YMMV and I won't be responsible for any AI bugs/wonkiness with Serana. Serana will no longer interrupt you during Amaund's briefing (Dark Brotherhood commentary), Tweaks to Companions, DB, and CoW commentary SM node entries, Tweaks to Serana's other SM commentary node entries as well, so that they only start when Serana is following you and the relevant quest is running (in addition to the existing Friendship and Dawnguard progress variables), The spell magic effect which tracks cell changes is now removed at the end of completing the CoW and DB quests respectively, SDA Silent Teleport is no longer called when it really doesn't need to be (applied to CoW, DB commentaries mainly), SexLab integration fixed, now native to SDA. - Serana no longer sneezes when she's a vampire. Serana Dialogue Add-On is highly acclaimed and also featured in Forbes magazine. Big Update! - SDA is now in a BSA! She will now use her town outfit in all areas with this keyword. Big Content Update! For the Dark Brotherhood, Serana will also comment if you chose to destroy them. The commentary quest should already be restarted and you can check if it's up and running correctly with "sqv SDA_SolstheimCommentary". - A new "Trust" conversation, which aims to solve a DG plothole. Tweaked StoryManager conditions for Serana's main quest commentary- added more failsafes to ensure they start and run on time. Note: This does not mean that SDA's Serana is being rewritten to be vanilla+. It's been improved on the technical level as well so there should be fewer bugs with it. - Initial patch release. - Fixed some problems with the bed script which caused problems with Serana finding available beds in some inns (notably Old Hroldan Inn and the Winking Skeever). - Reduced distance of Serana to Player package (used in several NPC banter scenes). Queen of the Damned now suggested to be run alongside SDA, to compliment the spell buffs by SDA to make her an even more competent sorcerer. - One of the dialogue scripts for the new Serana Romance content was not coded in correctly, which caused Serana to repeatedly do the same ForceGreet loop. No need to use another outfit mod/follower framework feature, or fiddle with the lackluster vanilla system. Skyrim-AE - Serana Dialogue Add-on MOD Playthrough - 73 (Serana's - An ability is now added when the player first enters into a romance with Serana. Without spoiling anything (as this specific Companions commentary has key story beats for Serana's character) Serana needs to be dismissable, and she isn't during any of these Dawnguard DLC quests. - You can now change how far or near you want Serana to travel along with you! - Being a lover to Serana unlocks radiant lover dialogue which may be experienced at will, as a way for you two to be affectionate. More to come. - Added in missing dialogue link for the "Friendship" conversation, which previously ended earlier than I intended. The player will be able to ask Serana which version they'd like her to play in-game. - Added conditions for a bunch of other dialogue lines (with sexual jokes, such as Haelga Bunkhouse Commentary, Real Barenziah convo) to only occur until after the player has completed Dawnguard, - Fixed Talen-Jei NPC banter (new save required for fix, OR type startquest SDA_TalenJeiBanter in the console), - Deleted some lines with first romance conversation which kind of felt out of place for Serana's character, - Conditioned a lot of Inigo banter to only occur until later on in DG/the player and her relationship, - Serana will no longer sleep with the player until their relationship has reached a high level. Now it shouldn't be delayed. - Added in Papyrus log debug messages for the horse feature, to help troubleshoot additional issues. This conversation is unlocked after the "A New Covenant" quest but before the "A Date at the Bannered Mare" quest. -Tweaked alias fill conditions for SDA_NPCBanterMain quest, to make sure it fires off properly and correctly. - Fixed issue of AA records not copying over for the leggings, - Two Civil War Lines re-recorded for lore consistency, - New conversations with Serana implemented, -Serana's vampirism feeding, favorite book, hobbies, commentary after curing her vampirism, -Singing functionality (after prerequisite hobbies conversation completed, she sings The Dragonborn Comes (assuming player has already been formally recognized as such)), - Immersive radiant sound effects: While exploring, Serana will tend to sneeze, hum, and/or cough every so often. New voice acting with Kerstyn's voice as well as more extensive commentary on this armor. ), - Added in new safeguards to ensure NPC aliases were being filled for the Serana banter. - Drink with Serana (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks) at any inn, and have casual and immersive talks over a multitude of topics. - Backend improvements for how Serana Romance quests are numbered. Removed Serana finding a table option in drinking buddies since that was buggy. Giving her a spell book will not work. One of the biggest requests for my mod was to fully replace Laura Bailey's performance- as having two VAs voice the same character can be jarring. This change was done to make sure everything was better paced. As an NPC, Serana is more intelligent and has many new follower features. - Optional patch for the Wintersun mod, so that it recognizes SDA's custom Serana marriage for Mara, Dibella, and Morwha's religious tenets. -You can now ask Serana whether you want her to keep her hood on or not! If you are on Xbox, only the latter method is available to you. Old Stone Walls was re-recorded in both an acapella and acoustic version. - Added in random idle yawns for Serana. topic, so as to not clutter up Serana's main dialogue window. The former song acts as a universal entry or starting point for Serana's song capabilities, as previously, "The Dragonborn Comes" would only be available to Dragonborn players. Serana now has her own custom horse, which you obtain through a short quest (which can be triggered as early as the Moth Priest hunt). - (SSE Only) Repackaged BSA. - Fixed bug where Nightshade would just randomly teleport to Phoenix. (See the article here for all the names). Serana Dialogue Add-On at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community When both FG and OStim are installed, OStim takes precedence. - Added a "LocTypeDungeon" condition for Serana's radiant love timer, so she won't be asking you for kisses in a dungeon anymore. The most ambitious feature of this mod yet, and will require an entire update for itself. One of the largest content updates thus far! The player can choose to delay this too, in case they need Serana for a quest or just want her to stick around for a bit longer. If you noticed Serana was unusually quiet in some quests, or should have commented on something, try playing through those bits again and see if she has something to say!