The difference is that the attempt is not to settle whether or not some claim is true, it is to show why it is true. He stands up for Harley and Maddi and against protagonists like Nathan throughout the novel. The popularity of the novel and debate over its redeeming social value have never faltered since its initial publication, due in no large part to the fact that J.D. He is angry at life for being so unfair. Another epithet that was used by the author in his novel is hardly ever listened (J. D. Salinger: 6) This is a reserved epithet because it is composed of two words linked by a preposition and it was chosen in order to point out to the reader that speech of old Spenser was not a clear one and not understandable one for the listener. ( from this example is well seen that the author used one of the meanings of the word kid. Why wouldn't Holden be back to Pencey after Christmas vacation? It took the standards of The New Yorker editors, among them William Shawn, to refine his writing into the "spare, teasingly mysterious, withheld" qualities of "A Perfect Day for Banana fish", The Catcher in the Rye, and his stories of the early 1950s. He always mentions when hes wearing it and he often doesnt wear it if he is going to be around people he associates with. Latest answer posted April 14, 2021 at 10:45:43 AM. number: 206095338, E-mail us: It should be mention that this research work represents a great theoretical value for those willing to take up their future carrier in the field of translations as invaluable reference to the methods and the ways of translation of literary masterpieces. He and his friend Mal Brossard decide to take a bus into Agerstown to see a moviethough Holden hates moviesand Holden convinces Mal to let Ackley go with them. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Join the dicussion. Allie died of leukemia in 1946 when the family was in Maine.". We must think that the authors language was revolutionary, new and controversial at the time his first stories were published. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. When Holden's roommate, Ward Stradlater, requested him to write his Englishcomposition for him, he didn't specify a subject. Its a fine book, with interesting racial perspectives and the conflict is about cultural differences. They sought to capture the essence of modern life in the form and content of their work. Sometimes only one of those meanings is intended, depending on context, and sometimes multiple meanings are intended at the same time. Salinger also shows his symbolism from other works through the work of Mark Twain. 20% After Stradlater asks the expelled Holden to write a composition for him because he "doesn't know where to put the commas," Holden writes, "That's something else that gives me a royal. In English language such unexpected word combinations are formed very easily. Here, the question is not whether a given idiom is transparent, opaque, or misleading. Since The Catcher in the Rye was written in the 1940s, many of the slangy expressions in it are probably nowadays considered old fashioned and not used anymore. He clearly identifies with those on the other side of the game, and he feels alone and victimized, as though the world is against him. We are lucky to present you. Describe Holden's relationship with Jane Gallagher in The Catcher in the Rye. He is a nonconformist. The difficulties while translating are connected most of all with conveyance of national character of one or another work: the brighter it reflects national life the more illuminate characteristic situations the more difficult for the translator to find adequate functional figurative means. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Catcher in the Rye! However, market requirements are increasingly demanding that translators transfer texts to a target language that is not their mother tongue, but a foreign language. The Catcher in the Rye and My Name is Asher Lev voice how society is a song, each member having his own verse. This twofold approach, social and cultural, can help better understand the whole context in which Salinger produced his literary masterpiece, which in turn can greatly help in understanding the reception of the novel in the two cultures and its status in contemporary society. ), and "cultural untranslatability," (idioms, sayings, proverbs, jokes, puns, etc.). a. Holden tore the composition he had written for Stradlater because he was supposed to write about a room or a house instead he had written it about his brothers left handed baseball mitt. But Holden cannot think of anything to say about a house or a room, so he writes about a baseball glove that his brother Allie used to copy poems onto in green ink. Wed love to have you back! It was started by trying to define the concept of translation based on significant theoreticians points of view but it had not been an easy task. Attempting to remedy this, Bethany K. Dumas and Jonathan Lighter argue that an expression should be considered "true slang" if it meets at least two of the following criteria: Translation difficulties and lexical pecularities are the main points of an analyses. Metaphor is transference of some quality from one object to another. One example of those symbols is that Holden changed his personality when he was at the fountain in Central Park: he became a new person when he was near the water. To this I can also add the already discussed idea that even native speakers can get more meanings from a ST and its translation than by simply reading the ST in original. The Catcher In The Rye Essay Throughout the book, The Catcher In the Rye, the theme that I saw reoccurring in the novel was the painfulness of growing up. Learn which of the following circumstances usually comes before a period of economic contraction? The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 4 | Shmoop What does Holden write Stradlater's composition about why is the object he writes about important to him what eventually happens to the essay Why? Phoniness, which is probably the most famous phrase from The Catcher in the Rye, is one of Holden's favorite concepts. Explanations are often used within arguments and presented so as to serveas arguments. Nobodys move. It is probably significant that Holden sells his typewriter to Frederick Woodruff before leaving Pencey. "What did Holden decide to write about in Stradlater's composition in The Catcher in the Rye?" Romanian version imitates indeed the way teenagers speak nowadays and uses more colorful equivalents and expressions than the first version. In this case, a translator who is not familiar with the idiom in question may easily accept the literal interpretation and miss the play on idiom. Justification is the reason why someone properly holds abelief, the explanation as to why the belief is a true one, or an account of how one knows what one knows. As there are no equivalent expressions in the target language, the nuances of this kind taken from the whole novel are lost in Romanian translation. It should be discussed cases of linguistic inconsistency in the Romanian version, such as the rendition of intonational stress. Whatever the difficulty in the translation process, procedures must aim at the essence of the message and faithfulness to the meaning of the source language text being transferred to the target language text. A large number of idioms in English, and probably all languages, have both a literal and an idiomatic meaning. The Catcher in the Rye Chapters 3 & 4 Summary & Analysis - SparkNotes Holden has just left his parents' apartment, following his conversation with Phoebe, and he is reaching a point of critical instability, is having just burst into tears when Phoebe lent him her Christmas money. What did Holden write a composition about? The target-oriented means [to render] a source text in a form that is as natural as possible for the reader of the target text and that conforms to conventional usage in the target language and culture. In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Holden mean when he says, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. Ccrowther Jonathan and Cavanagh Katchryn, Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, Oxford University Press 2003; Printice Hall Literature American Experience, Second Edition, Printice Hall Edgewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Needham Massachusetts 1991; Crystal, David, The English Language. You'll also receive an email with the link. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Holden has isolated himself in an attempt to be his own savior, but Mr. Antolini's image of falling presents a more accurate image of what awaits Holden on the other side of the cliff. It thus reveals the weaknesses of Holden's romantic outlook. In The Catcher in the Rye, how does Holden describe his mother? When he finally gets around to writing Stradlater's composition, he only does it . The Modernists constructed their works out of fragments, omitting the exposition, transitions, resolutions, and explanations used in traditional literature., Many scientists investigated J. D. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Ray expressed their points of view such as: In 1961, the critic Alfred Kazin explained that Salinger's choice of teenagers as a subject matter was one reason for his appeal to young readers, but another was "a consciousness [among youths] that he speaks for them and virtually to them, in a language that is peculiarly honest and their own, with a vision of things that capture their most secret judgments of the world." The conclusion is that generally they have been successfully rendered and they have usually followed the ST. American characteristic of the languages ability to adapt nouns into adjectives and nouns into adverbs (usually by adding a letter), which is, unfortunately, not possible in Romanian and thus the translators had to find suitable translation adaptation methods since our languages grammatical patterns do not allow similar adaptations. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? He resents society as he does not seem to be part of it, and looks for sense of real place for him, where he could focus more on his phoniness. Perhaps Holden interacts with it with the innocence and the purity he believes with these characters represents and wears it as a way to connect to them. There are a lot of Salinger pieces in the University of Texas, at Austins Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center rare books collection; although some contemporary critics see a clear progression in Salingers published works, they think that The Catcher in the Rye is so brilliant. Holden says he fought on D Day. The hat is eccentric and displays Holdens desires to be diverse from everyone else around him, yet at the same time Holden is very self-conscious about the red hunting hat. Such situations made the translators task and work tremendously difficult because they had to find ways of compensating the loss caused by the inability of recreating a similar effect in the TT because Romanian has a system in which words are written the same way they are read as opposed to English which has a different system. The wider is the semantic volume of a word, the wider is its combinability, thus due to this feature it can interact with various word forms and word combinations. Salinger'sThe Catcher in the Ryehas served as a firestorm for controversy and debate. The example for this wrd with its meanings could be like I left the goddam foils andstuff on the subway (J. D. Salinger: p.170 in English and Am uitat blestmatele aleade florete ?i tot echipamentul in metrou. and throughthis example ispinted out that the author used not only the main meaning of the word. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Some idioms are 'misleading'; they seem transparent because they offer a reasonable literal interpretation and their idiomatic meanings are not necessarily signalled in the surrounding text. The writings of Salinger, while they may have been excellent in style, have become very controversial for what he has portrayed in the society during this time period, The Catcher in the Ray is a writing of a well-known American writer J. D. Salinger that is marked by a lot of characteristics of Salinger writings. Idiomatic and fixed expressions have individual collocational patterns. I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. One of the main problem or difficulty in translation- is the use of bilingual dictionaries. Davis's LA Timeline Part 1 | Preceden The most important patterns, themes and motifs in Salingers fiction were the centre of this chapter, but before embarking upon discussing Salingers literary trademarks, it has to be approached the issue concerning the controversy around Salinger and his ability to maintain his reputation in the context of his self-imposed reclusive lifestyle. In The Catcher in the Rye, why does Holden like Mercutio (from Romeo and Juliet) so much? If you had a million years to do it in, you couldnt rub out even half the Fuck you signs in the world. Inter-semiotic translation or transmutation (an interpretation of verbal signs of non-verbal sign systems). In literature and writing, a stylistic device is the use of any of a variety of techniques to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling to the literal or written. There are various types of idioms, some more easily recognizable than others. Catcher in the Rye - GCSE English - Marked by One might think that if the distinction can be made, people are home free and the computer can produce an acceptable translation. Ian Hamilton adheres to this view, arguing that while Salinger's early stories for the "slicks" boasted "tight, energetic" dialogue, they had also been formulaic and sentimental. database? But the impossibility of such a fantasy is the tragedy of Holden's situation: rather than face the challenges around him, he retreats to a fantasy world of his own making. ?>, Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs,, The Catcher in The Rye: Depression Catcher, Lexical Pecularities and Translation Difficulties in the Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger., Holder In The Catcher in the Rye By J. D. Salinger, get custom Who is Selma Thurmer, and why did Holden like her? The first point that would be discussed in this thesis is Lexical peculiarities which are one of the main characteristic of the defining the main features of the text. What is the setting for The Catcher in the Rye? Critics have argued the moral issues raised by the book and the context in which it is presented. Holden tells us the symbolic meaning of the museum's displays: they appeal to him because they are frozen and unchanging. He thinks the line is If a body catch a body comin' through the rye, but the actual lyric is If a body meet a body, coming through the rye.. In 1996, a small publisher announced a deal with Salinger to publish "Hapworth 16, 1924" in book form, but amid the ensuing publicity, the release was indefinitely delayed. Holden tears the composition up and throws it away angrily. The translator is always alert in order to catch a passage that is marked, forms a particular sensitivity allowing the translator, to stop and think about an unusual formulation even when in translators experience he/she never ran across that particular idiomatic expression. The fact that he is having this conversation with Phoebe, a child who is anything but simple and innocent, reveals the oversimplification of his worldview. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. The Catcher in the Rye Jeopardy Template The author used in his work epithets in order to make the reader to see easily the true in the navel and to create interest for reading the novel which would capture readers attention quickly and without any questions. The concept of norm is relative, on the one hand, with system of language, and on the other hand, it is closely connected with speech, in which the originality of speech formation is displayed. Metaphor is inherent in language. The symbols I have chosen display Holden Caufields emotions, actions, and way of life. The first type of translation difficulties that could be seen in J. D. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Ray is distinguished between various uses of a word of general vocabulary. It is probably significant that Holden sells his typewriter to Frederick Woodruff before leaving Pencey. Salinger, the other novelty was the big critic of the society that it represented. This essay was written by a fellow student. It was tried to give a detailed study of the features of translation difficulties.