drug information resources ppt

M. Basic skills in interpreting laboratory data. 19th ed. A patient tells you she saw a news story on NBC that said all patients should stop taking their Coumadin and switch to the new Coumadin. She tells you she is not planning to take it anymore and wants the physician to find a different medication. T, Nathan Figure 1 Applied therapeutics: the clinical use of drugs. L, Dunaway 5th ed. View Drug Poster Project.doc from FIN 5084 at Virginia Tech. Veterinarians outsource prescriptions to community pharmacists to help control inventory, high drug costs, and the need for compounded drug therapies. JS, Brier JB, Paloucek For example, PubMed links users to open access journal publications and articles resulting from NIH-funded research through PubMed Central (http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/). LA, McGuire The growth in veterinary pharmacy has allowed pharmacists to apply their drug knowledge resources to veterinary situations. RD. Available from: Bing For example, if looking for information regarding the herbal product ginkgo, it may be helpful to search under the botanical name, common name(s), as well as common alternative spellings. ME. Drug Information Resources 2. Malone P.M., & Kier K.L., & Stanovich J.E., & Malone M.J.(Eds. Electronically available tertiary resources have helped this situation; however, the requirement for information to be reviewed and summarized requires an inherent delay in communicating new information. She is indignant that you as a health care professional did not know this was going on. MM, Arcara Another important factor in the selection of appropriate tertiary resources includes selecting a resource focused on the type of information needed for a specific request or situation. Stockholm (WI): Wiley-Blackwell; 2011. BK. Appendix 32 provides a listing of core holdings for a college of pharmacy assembled by the AACP.10 While this list may be more extensive than what is required in most practice settings, it does provide a core listing of journals. A toll-free number is available for immediate assistance when faced with a toxicology problem (888-426-4435), and a fee is required. One such method to identify relevant resources might be a general Internet search for information. Given the rapid rate at which medical information is increasing and the amount of available technology to organize and locate this information, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the volume of data available. Reiss The quantity of medical information and medical literature available is growing at an astounding rate. Clinical pharmacology [Internet]. JA. Notice P, Miller JH, Kraus Authentic Oxycodone Front Authentic Oxycodone Back Authentic Oxycodone Side by Side Fake Washington, DC: US National Institutes of Health [cited 1 Mar 2013]. GR, Bennett 4th ed. Each practice setting requires slightly different primary literature based on the specific areas that are of greatest importance to that facility and the patients cared for in that location. What is your strategy to find the meaning and relevance of this term? Special attention has been paid to including the international as well as domestic information. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Academic Press; 2007. JK. Immunotherapy can treat many different types of cancer. Available from: Clinical Reference Library [Internet]. Information is provided about the features of the resource as well as the publisher and publisher Web site. SH, Enders 2nd ed. Generally, the best method to find drug-related information includes a stepwise approach moving first through: -Tertiary References then - Secondary References and finally - Primary References Often, search for DI may not require the use of all three types of resources. Locate adverse event reporting information on FDA's website 3. The review of natural products. All potential sources of information should be considered. Both provide rapid information regarding severity and likelihood of an interaction and actions needed to minimize this risk based on the case studies and primary literature available. Clinical pharmacists provide services for prescription monitoring such as reviewing the prescribed drugs including proper drug choice for specific indication, dosage, frequency, duration, if there is a need for dose adjustment, suggest the proper drug for untreated indication, consider history of drug allergy, evaluate and manage adverse drug Rockville (MD): United States Pharmacopeial Convention; 2008. Objectives 1. Patient education materials are also included in this database. Saunders Ltd., http://www.elseiver.com A useful pharmacology reference textbook focusing on pharmaceuticals for the prevention and treatment of small animal diseases. Chapter 6: The Application of Statistical . RK. EL Textbook of veterinary internal medicine. Malone PM, Kier KL, Stanovich JE, Malone MJ. Since many consumers find at least some of their information online, pharmacists should be prepared to help consumers evaluate the quality of information found online as well as recommend sites where information might be found. Goodman & Gilmans: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. As technological advances continue, which may change the face of physical pharmacy dispensing and compounding, reliance on pharmacists for information retrieval and interpretation will continue to grow. It includes news and updates on treatment. 5th ed. London: Pharmaceutical Press; 2010. Diagnosing drug addiction (substance use disorder) requires a thorough evaluation and often includes an assessment by a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or a licensed alcohol and drug counselor. Billups Pharmacy practice and the law. An evidence-based, point-of-care clinical research database with access to information on pharmaceutical topics, guidelines, abstracts, and summaries. The Web site, http://www.petplace.com, has pet centers focusing on different species (dog, cat, bird, horses, fish, reptiles, and small mammals) and is written for laypersons. Shaughnessy Rosenberg Accessibility Extensive information is provided regarding organ- and nonorgan-directed toxicity. This contains a directory of health care organizations online. The text is organized by organ system impacted. Generally the best method to find information includes a stepwise approach moving first through tertiary (e.g., textbooks, full-text databases, review articles), then secondary (e.g., indexing or abstracting services), and finally primary (e.g., clinical studies) literature. 2004;61:1015-24. Shepard See Figure 32 for a graphic presentation of this search. 19th ed. This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. Clauson Often the Board will have this information available in PDF format on the Web site. MJ, Haddad Also, due to the nature of this resource it has a very short lag time, so data are more timely than several other print resources. The focus of the resource is to provide a correlation between principles of pharmacology and contemporary clinical practice. Available from: Clauson L, Crespo On December 12, 2022, PubChem will serve as NLM's single source for chemical information. PD, Horn 8th ed. YJ. It is for these reasons that the systematic approach discussed in Chapter 2 is helpful in order to streamline the search process. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2010. Saunders; 2012. What to do in an emergency; 10 ways to deal with peer pressure; Whitehouse Station (NJ): Merck & Co, Inc.; [cited 1 Mar 2013]. Information comes from more than 5000 journals in 40 different languages. King guide to parenteral admixtures. Clinical decision support tools: personal digital assistant versus online dietary supplement databases. Additional implications for pharmacy practice are provided for some legislation. For these reasons readers must judge the quality of tertiary references and may need to verify the information in multiple sources. iii. Differences in practice settings, available funding, patient populations seen, and types of information most commonly needed, all impact which tertiary resources should be available at a specific practice site. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, http://www.lww.com This reference contains brief entries, indexed by product and generic name, with information about product use, available dosage forms and sizes, and manufacturer information. The text has moved away from an emphasis on chemical structures to an emphasis on structure-activity relationships. 2002;22:1036-40. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Concept of Drug Information. The introduction of tablets, smartphones, and Internet resources has radically changed the methods and technology by which information is accessed, but not the process of providing drug information. 4th ed. B, Knollman If the information obtained in the tertiary resources is not recent or comprehensive enough, a secondary database may be employed to direct the reader to review primary literature articles that might provide more insight into the topic. A. The site also offers insight into and information on home testing and complications. Some information is also available about compatibility and stability of injectable formulations. Weston (FL): Intelligent Content Corp; c1999; 2013 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. HH, Peak These organizations do not evaluate every Web site available, but instead only those who request evaluation. SP, Hume Drug interaction facts 2013: the authority on drug interactions. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. 20082009 USP pharmacists pharmacopeia. Drug Information Drug Facts Browse information on different types of drugs, their street names, how they're used, and how they affect the body. AB. In addition to the original PDR, there are a variety of focused editions, including the PDRfor Herbal Medicines, PDRfor Nutritional Supplements, PDRfor Ophthalmic Medicines, PDRfor Nonprescription Drugs. Merck & Co., Inc., http://www.merck.com This resource available in print and online (http://www.merck.com/mkgr/mmg/home.jsp) focuses primarily on management of diseases and conditions common in geriatric patients. Where might you find a copy of the news story that this patient saw to help her better understand what the news reporter was trying to convey? St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer Health; 2012. Information about dosing in specific populations is also included, as is a wide variety of general information about medications. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2011. 9th ed. 10th ed. Initial basic toxicology data are provided, but the majority of this text focuses on management of toxicologic emergencies with a variety of common drugs, botanicals, pesticides, and other occupational or environmental hazards. This reference is available in print and online. Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. Clauson The focus on strictly herbal products, rather than nonbotanical dietary supplements, may limit utility in some settings. In addition to more traditional DICs, drug manufacturers have medication information departments that serve as a source of drug information for the products that the manufacturer produces. In addition, it includes basic monographs about prescription and OTC medications. A physician is seeking information about the use of chondroitin in the management of osteoarthritis. We've updated our privacy policy. New York: McGraw Hill; 2012. St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer Health; 2003 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. Drug information retrieval and storage Prepared by: Iffa Qazi Hafsa khan Umm e Habiba Tuba Abrar Sakina Tahira Khansa Neha Fatima Rbia f Systematic process of collecting and cataloging data so that they can be located and displayed on request. Handbook of injectable drugs. This option may also be helpful when the term is newly emerging or before an official index term is defined. Basic & clinical pharmacology. Washington, DC: American Pharmacists Association; 2012. So a possible search strategy may be to use the terms ginkgo, ginkgo biloba, the Latin name Ginkgoaceae, as well as the misspelled word gingko. This same principle holds true when considering disease states whose names may have changed over time. One or more of your email addresses are invalid. Tertiary drug resources were used by the majority. Recipients may need to check their spam filters or confirm that the address is safe. Primary literature often provides the most recent and in-depth information about a topic and allows the reader to analyze and critique the study methodology to determine if the conclusions are valid (see Chapters 4 and 5 for more information on critiquing the primary literature). In addition, there are a variety of publications targeting specific therapeutic areas that are available. Content Area: Math. Most products are oral formulations to reflect the unique needs of some pediatric patients. Philadelphia (PA): Saunders/Elsevier; 2011. There are multiple subsets; the clinical medicine and life science subgroups are likely the most useful for practitioners and focus on useful information about recent drug research or developments. Diagnosis. It uses substances made by the body or in a laboratory to boost the immune system and help the body find and destroy cancer cells. Shargel The Alice! Pharmacists are often expected to respond to questions about these topics and provide recommendations as to management of patients using these therapies. 5th ed. There is an additional toxicology section which allows identification of drugs based on imprint codes and discussion of overdose management. Poisoning and toxicology handbook. In addition to these resources aimed at consumers, there are consumer-specific sections of many tertiary resources discussed earlier. A sample search is provided in Appendix 31. This section also contains information about common side effects and dosage forms available. E, Kasper Perceive and evaluate the medication information needs of patients and families, health care professionals, and other personnel. Montvale (NJ): Thomson Reuters Healthcare; 2011. Table 32 lists resources that may be useful for specific categories of drug information requests. Food medication interactions. If neither of these options are available, then the Loansome Doc ordering system might be used. Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 5e, (required - use a semicolon to separate multiple addresses). St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer; 2012. Download Drug Factsheet Legit or Fake Authentic Oxycodone Synthetic opioid drug prescribed for pain as OxyContin, Tylox, and Percodan. Best deals. A pharmacy student is working on a presentation involving illicit drugs. Once literature has been identified in a secondary searching system, the actual articles can be obtained in various ways. SM. 2003;9(5):441-8. This system is available through the NLM and offered for a fee to any user. The database includes articles on veterinary disease states and preventative medicine. Drug Information Center Goals1. However, these types of practices are common and it's important to get information about them from a credible resource. This resource is also available in an online format and in print. REPOTOX [Internet]. Merck & Co., Inc., http://www.merck.com This resource provides descriptions of the chemical and pharmacological information about a variety of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals. This resource is available electronically at http://www.cancer.gov/search/cancer_literature/. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2010. RK, Soo-Hoo D, Young A limited number of critical evaluations of these databases have been performed to aid in the selection of the highest quality databases.43,88-89 Based on the limited data available Lexicomp, ePocrates, and Clinical Pharmacology OnHand appear to be among the best quality PDA drug information databases available at the time of these studies. Merck Index: an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals. These complete documents contain hundreds of other resources that may be useful depending on practice setting. ary and tertiary information resources for specific . W, Erush A, Desselle Some publications are available full text through this service. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. C, Watts Chapter 5: Literature Evaluation II: Beyond the Basics. If a question involves, for example, a recent news story reporting the removal of a medication from the market, a logical first place to find initial information would be to identify the original news story. G, Faingold KA, Polen Drugs during pregnancy and lactation: treatment options and risk assessment. A CD-ROM is included containing contact information for pharmaceutical manufacturers worldwide. As these combination packages increase in popularity with students and universities the expectations practitioners have for access to resources in work settings will also likely continue to increase. It is more concise than Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach and is focused on diseases most likely to be seen in practice, including community pharmacy; it also contains various features to help student learning. Fauci dangers of Rx drug abuse in the community. The text is organized by drugs and provides a summary of the properties of a drug, general stability considerations, and stability reports of compounded preparations. Chapters are organized by drug classification; adverse events are organized by drug name and then by organ system within each drug. This database is useful for information about standard medications. Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) updates are available that detail the prohibited use of drugs in certain animal populations. Additional information includes contact information for manufacturers, a list of poison control centers, and very limited tablet identification. 12th ed. Also, other resources, including experts or specialists in particular areas of practice, may need to be consulted. The combination of multiple resources in one package may make selection of resources for a practice site much easier, but also more costly. Birchrunville (PA): Food-Medication Interactions; 2012. Information is provided about specific agents, including inactive ingredients in commercial preparations. The need to utilize a variety of terms for search strategy is illustrated in the following sample question: Is clonidine effective in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adolescents? It is first important to identify the key terms. For example, when looking for treatment recommendations for management of irritable bowel syndrome it might be appropriate to contact the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (http://www.iffgd.org/) to obtain information about current practice standards as well as possible emerging therapies.