yugioh tier list 2022 tcg

A number of monster's effects rely on calling the top card of the opponent's Deck right, and they have a number of cards to help them make the correct answer. Buy from many sellers and get your cards all in one shipment! This Deck provides control over the field, while also being able to swarm the field with high powered monsters, often without needing to use the Extra Deck for options. Special mention goes to Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen, having an in-built Macro Cosmos effect that banishes any card sent to the Graveyard. They make use of Link and Xyz Monsters, and currently has one of the hardest combo of cards to clear once they are all on the field. Crow 3 Droll & Lock Bird 3 Gozen Match 1 Harpies Feather Duster 3 Lightning Storm 3 Token Collector. This also includes your starting hand, and the plays that can be made with it. YCS Lima Peru Registration Info Announced! A specific combo is enough to get four Xyz Monsters on the field, and attacking consecutively can end up with a monster with 16000 ATK. Most of their offense contributes to giving catches more than anything else. Scarlet is the strongest out of the three and therefore should be maxed out. Do not be deceived by the large number of low-level, low-stat monsters. Specifically includes decks that only top small events or get lower rankings at medium events. They can also be used during the opponent's turn, further pressing the opponent into acting swiftly before the advantage becomes too much. A Deck using both EvilTwin and LiveTwin archetypes, they make use of summoning each other's counterparts that can be activated in either player's turn as a Quick Effect. Property Type : Affordable housing. Tier 3. Altergeist 7550 matches 57% winrate. Certain archetypes augment this like Sharks and Mermail, and make for a rather good Xyz Monster-based Deck. All of them have their unique upsides over each other, which we'll go over later down the line.Special thanks toOzoneTCGand ther/Yugioh Discordfor assisting in this Snapshot. Strategy, articles, news, decks, and price guides for Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and more. With the help of cards like Solemn Judgment and Lord of the Heavenly Prison, you're not as threatened by mass Spell and Trap removal. In terms of strength to relative Rank, none are as surprising as the Numeron Xyz monsters. The deck suffers heavily from Side Deck threats and thus players should account for them.Mass backrow removal will always be the bane of Eldlich, getting rid of its key pieces. This checks the Deck's winrate when the Deck can win on its own, without having to swap out cards. Except for Lunalight Wolf and Lunalight tiger, all other members appear to be dark monsters. The condition requires the player to steal the opponents resources. OCG 2022.01 Metagame Report #1, #2 | Road of the King Dark Magician Girl TCG Accessories are now Available! This gives them the vantage of fusing two or even more cards and combining the simpler qualities that each one possesses. Learn More > About Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Tier System Explained. The two most practical uses of Eldlich are that it gives a player the ability to get rid of any spell to knock down certain traps imposed within the opponents field. And that about covers our look into one of the more prolific control options in our combo-filled metagame. Super Agent, S.P.Y.R.A.L. Also, Quick Launch and Special Summon Rokket are activated from within the Deck. You can only have 2 copies maximum of a "Semi-limited" card in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined. It still has some heavy hitters, especially in the Extra Deck, and impressive combos to get important cards on the field. TCG Championship Top 16 Pairings & Deck Types. There have been attempts made to give support to the original Ritual Monster, including Chaos variants and even a Link Monster version, but the Deck can feel disjointed, needing specific monsters as Ritual Tribute fodder to grant a Black Luster Soldier Ritual monster stronger effects. Madolche Decks are extremely hard to Deck Out as they have numerous ways of recycling cards to be used again, which includes Spells and Traps, and can be sent to the hand or Deck when destroyed by the enemy. The Deck cycles around the three versions of Ra: its classic appearance, Sphere Mode, and the Immortal Phoenix version. In short, the attacking cards of the Deck are very challenging and fierce, but it doesnt always come out easily. It finishes the battle with a Fusion Summon, followed by minor blows to the opponent. Drytron Meteonis Draconids and Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids acquire 4000 AKT and an effective wipe effect that makes them the most powerful monsters. Also, Check Out: Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope Tier List. Tier 0 is a Deck that would be simply explained with "Play this Deck, or do not play competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! . However, the major hold-up is that the Deck cant carry out simultaneous small traps. DPEs intense attack abilities help him easily get rid of his opponents. Marincess are women figures dressed in colorful dresses, and all these creatures possess a blue or purple tint on their bodies. Union Cancer in particular needed to die a long time ago, and Gryphon Rider banned means that the remaining Adventurer cards should be able to come off withouth problems, letting the 3 pure Adventurer players enjoy their deck. Hence if you fall into its trap, you wont be able to run out of these cards as maids can recycle cards. It is solely these characteristics of the Dragon maid which is so valued; she can propagate cards from within, which ensures that the cards will forever be faithful to her. Souls into Relinquished Anima to absorb the Lava Golem you gave them is a funny play that's worth mentioning.Winter Cherries is not a horrible choice and a couple of Eldlich players have been giving it some thought. They are also one of the few Decks that can conduct a Synchro Summon during the opponent's turn. They tend to gain control over the field by drawing spell cards. The next update after this will be in a few months. Water. It chains Special Summons together to swarm the field with its signature monsters, all equipped with powerful effects that control the field. The main focus of the virtual world is on expelling and likewise aids in transmuting cards from a specific deck to the graveyard. They also use Fusion Monsters as additionnal powerhouses to this Deck, with Contnuous Spells and Traps providing additional protection to the monsters. Specific secret packs consist of sky striker cards. 3 Lightning Storm. Decks that can compete at the local level, but cannot top an event. They have a variety of options in the Extra Deck, and the Main Deck is no slouch either with frequent floating effects. TIER LIST : r/yugioh - reddit Our list contains a total of 33 decks. They can be used on any Deck that are heavy with Dragon-type monsters, giving this Deck extreme versitility and flexibility. This section is currently under construction. It gives your deck a vantage position, as Infernity can withdraw cards even after running out of cards. The P.U.N.K. World Championship 2023 Has Been Announced! The former is especially useful going second when you need to start chipping away at the opponent's boards. The Insanity of YCS Sydney: TCG DABL Metagame Report. Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc Deck Guide: How to Play Playstyle and Win Condition. 3 Token Collector. Yu-Gi-Oh! 2022 North America Yu-Gi-Oh! The Tier List has been overhauled yet again to better encapsulate the current state of Master Duel's competitive scene. Decklist. They are suitable for killing dragon monsters, even if such conditions arent met it still capable of adjusting themselves to the environment which is why it earns a notable place in our Yu-Gi-Oh Tier List. But we are nothing if not open to discussion, and we would be more than willing to hear you out in the comments below. They can cast spells on the opponent and their Deck to recover health. So keep that in mind when going through our list, and remember that lists like these are highly subjective. Let us now ascertain their qualities by explaining them in detail. Don't see the Deck or archetype mentioned in the choices below? An unorthodox mix of Plant-type and Dragon-type monsters, Rose Dragons specialize in Synchro Summoning, as Synchro Monsters will benefit from the materials used to summon them, granting extra effects in the process. Blackwings are known for their ability to swarm the field and chain Synchro Summons into their boss monsters like Onimaru the Divine Thunder. Winners. Yu-Gi-Oh: Best Competitive Decks 2023 - QTopTens The third Duelist Cup will begin on March 15, 2023, and we'd like to know what will be your main Deck to play with to climb the ranks in the upcoming event! The players must be patient with the Deck since it is hardly impressive initially. Here we try to uncover the overlooked parts of all decks, which often emerge as ones defects. Price: $400. Being able to attack multiple times in a turn is a shared effect among most of the Lunalight Fusion monsters. Zohair Khan placed 1st at the Alien Games WCQ Regional with Cyberse Enforcer Eldlich. The archetype for the most iconic card in the game has gathered a lot of support, and has gained numerous ways of bringing out Blue-Eyes White Dragon with ease. BT-11: Booster Dimensional Phase Format $201.00 Deck Cost. The monsters unveiled by the Deck rank 8 in the games hierarchy and have a great adaptation to pressure. Until next time, Renren out! Slifer Deck | March 2023 | DarkArmedDuelist, SPIRIT MESSAGE DECK (YAMI BAKURA INSPIRED). Double Helix, and S.P.Y.R.A.L. D/D/D can be considered as a good way for entering the meta that has heavily leaned towards a constant stream of Special Summons. December Meta Tier List! [Yu-Gi-Oh! 2022] - Bilibili For most games, that helps one get away and win, but sometimes, the dependency on one type of card can also lead to defeat. The Insanity of YCS Sydney: TCG DABL Metagame Report. Most of their effects take advantage of when the opponent already has strong monsters on the field, either by destroying them through Gimmick Puppet effects, or by stealing victories through an Instant Win condition that was fulfilled. Seeing any one of them grants access to both DPE and Dagda/Scythe.