can you sell replicas on mercari

Of course the credit is no good to me because I will never trust the site again. Its less important how the packaging looks, and more important how protected your item will be in transit. For more details, check out their full list of Prohibited Conduct page. Sellers and scammers can exploit the policy. The shirt that was sent to me came from a replica site and I had photo evidence of that . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, The first and only subreddit for Mercari, a fast growing marketplace for buying and selling online. I find it hard to believe the seller could have received the package without any tracking updates so the package seems to be lost or stolen. If anyone sends payment to the seller or a seller sends items to the buyer outside of their platform, Mercari is not responsible if it turns out to be a scam. If you dont re-verify, download NEW app & accept new terms of service then you are locked out of your account. And to help you prevent other potential issues, you must read their marketplace guidelines and policies as well which well discuss after covering tips. In contrast, if the seller confirms everything is fine then the buyer will be refunded by Mercari. SOrry but if an item costs thousands of dollars, the manufacturers like L V do not replicas sold here. Things can surprise you with their true weight (both bigger AND smaller), and choosing shipping based on actual . Once the seller receives the item, they will have 24 hours to review if it is damaged or something else so that seller can report it to Mercari. Once you have shipped the item and confirmed the shipment, you must provide a valid tracking number to the buyer within 1-7 business days. or activity that in general: The list of Prohibited Items may be updated from time to time at Mercaris I purchased a pair of boots on the Mercari site that were list mens size 9. The seller has no control at the delivery level and is not required to refund the seller. Still easily. So, while you can trust that Mercari is safe, you must do your due diligence about the buyer/seller before dealing. Im never gonna sell anything to people with PO BOX address again. First scam was BAD ENOUGH, I received jeans containing human blood in the crotch area NOT A STAIN, ACTUAL BLOOD. Its comical that any of these platforms have community guidelines, they do not enforce them. And I do like as seller on Mercari that buyer have 3 days to rate after received item once rate transaction is complete, also Mercari items n shipping fee a lot cheaper compared eBay. In addition, buyers and sellers rate each other, so users can have peace of mind by checking the . After 48 hrs, the system allowed me to send an email about the problem. But I lost a lot of time. Furthermore, buyers are eligible to get the refunds for fair reasons such as: However, Mercari will deny the buyers request for reasons like: For valid reasons, can request a return from their items Order Status page. I notified them right away and even told them if I didnt get the item in the next day or so that I wanted my money back. I am starting to think its a site even worse than ebay! Hopefully never I bought a camera lens and asked if it fit my camera. That, my friends, is AWESOME customer service! So this was the cancellation policy for buyers, now lets get to know them: Cancellation requests are usually made by buyers but sometimes sellers also have to cancel the order. Millions of people use the app to buy and sell new and used items, making it a great platform to make extra money. Its ridiculous, I buy low & try to sell cheap but always NEW & perfect. My question is can I sell replica, fake, knock off items as long as my listings clearly state that the item is not authentic? Gambling, including using this service for raffles and mystery purchases, I am simply making this rip off business my cause and I am calling in ever Favor I have ever earned in my 53 years. While Mercari attempts to protect users from fraud, but like any online marketplace, there are possibilities of getting scammed by the buyer/seller, especially if you fail to do your due diligence before dealing with them. I purchased an item that was damaged beyond repair. It's not only eBay policy you are violating, but federal copyright law. She went as far as blaming me for cracked handles that l have not used and clearly seen it when l removed it from box. but yeah the same issue can happen in any platform and most tends to favor the buyer because that's where they get their money from. However, there is no guarantee that the sellers and buyers on it are also trustworthy. Did you check the seller reviews and description before buying? Generally, I recommend buying only from sellers who have at least 50+ reviews and sales, the more the better. However, its up to the seller to either accept your cancellation request or reject it. Feel free to complete this process on your computer or phone, the steps are the same. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ecomsay_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-leader-2-0');Note: Canceling too many orders can result in account suspension, termination, restrictions, or drops in your listings ranking, therefore, you should avoid cancellation as much as you can to avoid a bad impact on your account. Procedure (Act no. AND I WILL MAKE SURE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THEIR BUSINESS PRACTICES. As far as Im concerned Mercari is the pits. Ive stopped buying or selling on Mercari. Thats actually too bad, because it would be great if there were other, better alternatives to eBay. If you dont want to do this, you can download the free Google Voice app, and generate a phone number that way. Selling counterfeit items are strictly illegal as they are copying everything including the trademarks, labels, designer names etc. Customer Service did nothing but give me a run around for weeks and weeks. The list of prohibited items on Mercari includes alcohol, tobacco, but also non-brand, non-genuine, imitation, fake, or replica goods, food, and any kind of weapons. disasters (such as "paradise fire", "coronavirus outbreak" etc). I'm not sure if this "ban" will be lifted. vitamins, diet products, muscle enhancers, home remedies and homemade And today 21/07/21 I am surprised to receive the 2 goods, but they were 2 iphone 6 cell phone cases that should cost less than $10 each. Dont ever buy from this place buy from a legit marketplace! DO NOT EVER buy using this platform. With no listing fees and no commission taken when something sells, there's the opportunity to make a good profit. Try it for yourself, register for free, and enjoy a 14-day trial with no commitment or credit card required. You can also throw in a photo of yourself wearing it, and list your own measurements too. Terrible. It really helps to round up a few items at once, so you have a batch to start. Seller wrote me an apology saying she missed the order! on this subject with an avenue for everyones feedback. Do not use them. Just the fact that I am not happy with this item, should be enough. Thank you! I was selling laptops on Mercari, every item has actual photos and very detailed description exactly matches the item. Check out our blog on how to get started selling (hint: its simple).. Sellers sign up to Mercari and list their items for free. Why would they do that? I attempted to work with the seller and received no response. At first glance, you might think youre getting a great deal, but youre probably looking at a scam. They would have refunded it. Only after you rate they release it. The shirt itself had the wrong tags (not the tags that the seller had on the listing ) and nothing on the inside said gucci . Mercari provides labels for the Heres the next problem if I cancel, it indicates that it was MY decision to not purchase the item. Please log in again. They expect you to take whatever they offer. It was damaged when the seller listed it. You have to fill out. requires a download . You must be a registered user to add a comment. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'ecomsay_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');On top of all that, sellers should avoid listing items that are on Mercaris prohibited items list. You will need to enter your email and name and come up with a password. Although its a legit platform, there are definitely possibilities of getting scammed by sellers and buyers on Mercari.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ecomsay_com-box-4','ezslot_4',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-box-4-0'); To avoid scams, you must verify your buyer or seller and know the signs to watch out for before dealing, which Ill cover shortly. I informed Mercari, who sent me an email, late on a Friday night requesting photos from every possible angle. I have the know how and they owe me $69 I am no victim and never will be. Look. Its much better and safer for a buyer to shop at Amazon and EBay. I would say: An online marketplace that has been around for over nine years, not operating its business anonymously, used by millions of people, downloaded over 100 million times, and has positive ratings on its mobile app is certainly a legitimate platform. Youre welcome, Deborah. Its your call, but if you want to maximize your stores conversion rate, its best to add some more info about your product here. They have some great deals on designer jeans & clothing. I have personal experience with buying something not as described. I am very impressed with the platform and those the sellers so far. I also luckily had some other Gucci products and I was able to send them side by sides of tags etc to prove it was a replica and the seller was in no way penalized. ConfidentCandidate96 6 mo. You claim the buyer lied to me about receiving the item.. The security team will look into what the violation was and lock your account in the meantime. Like that $20-$100 is really going to break you. Seasoned sellers send out offers every week if not daily to nudge interested users into purchasing. Part of their agreement with approved vendors is that these "seconds" cannot be described or sold as a genuine and perfect original. Just like a counterfeit $100 bill. I have given up trying to get back my money. These slightly imperfect products are not necessarily destroyed but are sold as "seconds", at a fraction of the price of a perfect item to certain approved vendors. Got any questions or want to share your own experiences with Mercari? Once there, theyll scan your QR code, and then print the shipping label and paste it on your package. Hopefully they contact you about it. The customer service is TERRIBLE and they will allow people to scam you, stalk and now apparently you must RE-verify your device, DESPITE BEING a Highly trusted seller! For more details, visit Mercaris shipping page. I tried that, this happened. Shipping was slow. They actually follow through with their protection. Note: If a purchased item is reported as stolen, a demand for return may If a seller lists a prohibited item, this is a violation of terms of service that can lead to suspension or termination of the account. That is a counterfeit bag. Where to Sell Apple Watches for Most Money (My Experience), How to Hire a Virtual Assistant in 2023 (My Experience), 15 Jobs that Pay Over 300k a Year Thatll Surprise You. It's honestly a dying company. FDA restricted items such as food, homemade food, food supplements, Just got burned by the Mercari system. I then saw they relisted the same item with a 20% discount. Last week I was reported for counterfeit items and my account was suspended. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ecomsay_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-leader-1-0');And the answer to the question, how safe is Mercari largely depends on how good you are at verifying your seller or buyer when dealing. John said there were photos, but the seller neglected to show photos of the holes, OR tell them about them so they could decide what to do. In the event that your seller confirms shipment but does not provide a tracking number, please allow 7 days for your order to arrive. Tip 2: Try to get as accurate of a shipping weight as possible on your listings, especially if you're selling frequently (either look up the original item online to find the weight, and/or invest in a postage scale). Mercari does take a percentage out so they deduct that and the shipping from what is made right off the bat. I've actually been contacting them everyday for the last week. A couple of days go by and they released the money to the seller without confirming with me all because a computer says it was delivered. But the second time I never got the item, could not contact the seller (she did not reply) and there was NO customer service to help me out. Most of the prohibited items are pretty obvious like illegal items, weapons, drugs, etc. I provided all the details to Mercari and they didn't further investigate the seller. Mercari failed to protect the buyer despite what they claim. Measure your clothing item. Dont buy from Mercari. To resolve the account suspension issue, you must contact Mercari customer service. The seller did not send the original receipt as promised . Well my experience was mixed. I have been swindled out of funds by buyers claiming issues with orders. What happened to the package once it left drivers hands is anybodys guess. So sorry, thats a substantial loss, Etsy is just as bad. Im also so grateful that Arslan posted such detailed info. Your email address will not be published. If youre wondering how to sell on Mercari, you have come to the right place. Mercari is a retailing site that allows you to sell clothing, sporting goods, toys, beauty supplies, and handmade items. There are times, however, when the seller forgets to update tracking details after confirming shipment, so it is best to message the seller and ask for the tracking number of your order. They said basically, it was my fault I did not verify with the seller these were indeed mens boots, prior to purchasing these boot. I understand that the resolution or answer given does not favor your end for now. Your information was really helpful. Should it ne bad Enoch to warrant a refund. Thank you for this article. My site is up with over 400. special mailing or handling instructions must be sent using the ship on This article leaves out the most alarming scam of them all mercari scamming so many sellers out of their money from the goods theyve sold!! of unlicensed game copies), Age restricted products or products that require a legal approval, If you have further questions, feedback, bug reports, or want to know a bit more about us, why not swing by for a chat and say Gday! They know dam$ well that youre PAYING, to sell & ship if you take those deals. In the event that the seller accepts the buyers return request then the buyer will have to return the item to the seller within 3 days of approval. Their 3 day window is also riddiculous if you complain on a Friday and they dont get back to you. This company is nothing but a scam. If you've already registered, sign in. Can you sell replicas on Mercari? It is recommended to buy from sellers with verified profiles who has been a member of Mercari for at least a year. If it was marked delivered that is because the company who shipped the item, delivered the item ( they dont lie ). Mercari are crooked Japanese sellersSuing & bringing criminal charges of fraud. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Thanks for sharing your experience with Mercari . Left three messages two emails. Cross-selling is the practice of listing the same item across multiple online marketplaces such eBay and Poshmark. Seasonal Decor. Why Mercari has a Prohibited Item list Almost all online marketplaces like Poshmark, Amazon, and eBay list prohibited items that users can't sell or list. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. The only thing Mercari has to be bothered with is the occasional educated buyer like yourself. 2023 Crosslist BV. Although not recommended, a lot of sellers leave the product description blank. Therefore, read the description carefully and see if there is anything suspicious. Replicas are bad for everyone. seller/buyer registration or licenses to be sold. As a seller once your item is in the carriers hands, its out of your control. Can they ever accidentally authenticate a fake bag? Another purchase I made just today has been cancelled by the seller because she says she made a mistake, but the funds have ALREADY been withdrawn from my account and Mercari only says sorry, but it will take up to FIVE business days to return my money! Counterfeit items are with in the US codes such that any gain; personal or commercial: that results from the transfer of such, is trafficking in counterfeit items. You cannot leave a negative review for a bad seller in that situation. Payments are processed on the site, preventing fraud or scamming people through the site. The seller went on to tell a lie about how it had been shipped and he didnt know how this problem keeps cropping up where it doesnt list the item is being shipped. IVE BEEN SCAMMED AND STILL WAITING FOR 2 MOS FOR MY MONEY. But after the 3rd day of not hearing from a Buyer they will release the funds minus the fees to the seller. Im moving to Amazon & Shopify. He even went so far as having the post office send me a tracking number which turned out to be invalid. I provided proof of my item authenticity also. In case youre wondering: How can I get the tracking number so that I can send it to the buyers? ask seller about it, gives a new tracking number, still doesnt work ect ect. Its a great place for people who dont care. tracking number incorrect, ordered a few weeks ago, still hasnt come. They have set it up so that the customer is not protected in any way, even when its clearly fraudulent. Total revenue value of these 36 items is well over $1000, not to mention the $300 mercari is holding from by balance. Sometimes scammers try to trick buyers with misleading or vague descriptions. After this last step, youre ready to list it! They just want money from sells, they make too much to stop it. Do you know if Mercari authenticate is legitimate? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ecomsay_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_20',140,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); Otherwise, buyer will be eligible to cancel the order even if sent by you. Of course the manufacturers are well aware that many of these products are described as "copies" or "knock offs" but do nothing to discourage their sale, as it is in their interests to dispose of imperfect products in this way. No way! Any item that appears to be inauthentic will be reviewed and potentially removed from the platform. they made their choice to basically say screw you, we aren't helping you anymore, we are just going to suspend you and give the guy the money because it's the easiest and safest route for the company to take. Mercari charges sellers a fee of about 13% to sell on their platform. Another situation the seller did not send I cancelled and got the refund. Once submitted, sellers will have 24 hours to provide feedback and/or accept the buyers return request and if the seller didnt respond to the buyers return request, they will be refunded by Mercari. Here are 6 surprising things that people commonly have in their homes that you can totally sell on Mercari. We recommend opting into messages from our team to stay up-to-date on your listings and orders. It is a known fact that many items, particularly LV bags, are not copies but "seconds". Ive reported it to Disney, Hulu and Netflix. When it arrived I tried it and it didnt fit. That is to say items that are actually manufactured for LV by various factories around the world but rejected as not being "100% perfect". I was only given 24 hrs to provide photos from every angle of a dead computer. now returning it for no proper reason and they approved her request. And that is why for every single email they continue to send me, they are going to pay for.???? Youll also learn the most profitable things to sell on Mercari, and the best strategies to boost sales that Ive learned after selling on Mercari for a long time. The second time the buyer canceled it on the 3rd day but no reason provided. Think you dont have anything worth selling? It is illegal to sell counterfeit items (whether you acknowledge it or not or whether you call it a "replica" or "knock-off" or "fake" or not). It is a legitimate e-commerce marketplace that connects buyers and sellers. If you have a top notch store, NEW everything, amazing packaging & are fast then you should not be treated like a dog. Please know, how much I really enjoyed your class! I contacted the seller about another coach purse and asked to see the handle do to the fact l purchased a another purse with cracked handles . Mercari doesn't care about the replica sellers. Hello Julie if possible can you share, the outcome of your experience. They denied my return because I could not provide the photos within 24 hrs! All we did was to buy a product off of the Mercari platformwe were required to create an account. Learn more here: Reselling and rehoming unused items both help you declutter your own home, and reduce the amount of waste the planet is choked by. And this particular seller STILL has not sent my items after four days! can you sell replicas on mercarichaska community center day pass. They guarantee that with two important features: The brands policy prohibits in-person meetups, and all sellers are required to ship each item (either on their own or with one of the apps partners). Please, I wont even collect from some of them because they are so nasty its not worth it. OneShop also functions as your virtual assistant that works 24/7 to improve your reach by automating shares, follows, and more! This is fraud and theft protected by a big platform. The second computer still hasnt arrived. Also, even though I have taken screenshots and pictures of my receipts, and sent it to the compliance team through the app (the only way of really contacting them), the only response I've gotten is "The decision we made is final". I just sold my first item on there, an 800.00 ring and they buyer says they didnt get it, but I sent it by certified mail and I contacted the US postal inspectors who are investigating it. You can even find people selling DVDs and DVD players, VCRs, and older handheld gaming systems. Therefore, you should always avoid selling items that are not allowed by Mercari. Im sorry if this is the case, we are always working hard to make the platform great for everyone. After that, you have to ship your order within 3 business days from the purchase date and if you fail to do so then the buyer will be eligible to cancel the order. Did not see the email right away. not going to use it again. If youre good and neat & tight then the buyers will take advantage of you and many will try to price shame. Upon receiving an order, the buyer has 3 days to confirm the order to either accept it or request a refund if the item is not as described, damaged, or missing. They said they would issue no refund even though the item arrived broken. To make it clear any illegal condition in a contract is a VOIDED CONTRACT! Which is better Mercari or Depop? If you want to use the app you must be ready to share your: Note that Mercari is currently only available in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. Yes, you can trust Mercari but not the sellers/buyers on their platform. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And I have clean ratings, but some are sooooo thankless and wont rate you just to punish you LOL. Now, the seller has 3 days to ship the item to the buyer. Mercari handled the situation, was very empathetic, explained where I made the mistake, and actual gave me credit for the item, as well as the buyer was able to keep the item. You have four delivery options during the listing process. Today Im going to show you exactly how to sell on Mercari, without skipping a step. I have not taken any action this just happened. Again MERCARI IS NOT SAFE. On the first, I never heard from the seller so I cancelled the transaction (4 days). Also, you can always Edit it or reactivate it, add or change photos, or the shipping method. My products came smashed they insisted I send them 10 pictures of the smash cups with the bits falling everywhere got cut on one. If they disagree with your return request they immediately close the transaction and you own it. Helping people live life on their terms by demystifying entrepreneurship and money. However, for this kind of situation, this is the path that we have to go through, based on our market guidelines. I shipped a expensive item using the printed Mercari label. Bunch of thieves that dont give a f*** about you once they get your money. Prohibited Mercari Items - Items that will get you banned from Mercari. For Mercari, these items include: Illegal items Tobacco product Drugs Alcohol FDA restricted items such as vitamins, diet products, home remedies, and homemade cosmetics (anything ingestible) Strangely enough return for refund might fall under this. I was given no chance to prove my innocence, the compliance team didnt do any proper checks to prove authenticity (even though I provided evidence and proof to it being authentic, in the form of pictures and emails of the receipts). Now I searched and see on Reddit that this scam has been going on since 2018 and obviously Mercari has not fixed it. Know the laws in your state!???????? If the seller agrees and Mercari confirms that the order hasnt shipped, youll get a refund. do not buy on Mercari. None of the items that I buy or sell are fake, either straight from the online store, or I get the items legit checked before I buy/sell them. Can I recover my money from Mercari? And it was not cheap. Start with a wide shot, and then get closer to show your potential buyer the details of the item. I DID THE SAME THING AND I WISH I HAD A PHYSICAL ADDRESS WE COULD GO VISIT THESE THUGS AND SEE WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY. There are no limitations on the range of goods you can sell on the Mercari website. How in the heck could they know if the purse I listed was a "fake" or not?