cancer sun, scorpio moon pisces rising

You may be prompted to do research, investigate family history or uncover global secrets. You love the good lifefine food and drink especially, beautiful clothes, and travel. Be less secretive with your feelings of hostility or hurt. In astrology, recognizing your Moon Sign, Sun Sign, and Rising Sign is the greatest way to learn about your actual self and the qualities that set you apart from everyone else. This is also true in artistic terms; you can do great visionary work if you have Scorpio Rising in your chart. With a Cancer Sun Pisces Moon, you have a colorful and special personality. Sure, things come easily to you; that doesnt mean this will always be the case. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, known as Hades in Greek mythology, lord of the Underworld. Lets call them Super Feelers! This transit erodes away anything false, and will bring in karmic connections and counterparts. If you have to make decisions, you always think carefully. Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon people will get to experience love at a deeper level than other Sun signs. This highlights our mind-body connection and encourages us to examine our habits and daily rituals. Which US Banks Offer 5% Savings Accounts? People with the Cancer zodiac sign are all different depending on their rising sign. But watch out: these powerhouses can surprise you with their ambition and success dont underestimate em! In all fields, you apply your knowledge and experience. If you were born under the Aries rising sign, you probably have good compatibility with other fire signs, as theyre usually ambitious and driven, as well. Social life appeals to you, but you have your limits. Your life will be an eternal journey, both mental and real. So strive to be true to yourself and, most of all, recognize your sensitivity as a strength rather than a weakness. Your career comes into the spotlight late March, as the planets push you to take on more responsibility, and go after what you truly desire. A career in medicine, education, or law are the most similar to your personality. Both signs of the Scorpio Sun Cancer Moon combination are water signs, so you probably feel strong altruistic urges, and your combination is often found in the charts of doctors, clergy, and scientists. You have a hard time with spontaneity. Shyness delays your projects. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. WebAnswer (1 of 5): A2A Cancer Ascendant or Rising sign of Cancer is variable sign. Intensely emotional; perceptive; self-protective; self-centered; secretive; investigative mind; romantic; sensual; magnetic; dramatic; compelling personality; possessive; resourceful; tenacious; daring. You perceive things others never could. Although you are usually spiteful, your ever-changing mood makes you instantly forget offenses. sun in cancer pisces rising moon in scorpio (plus jupiter in scorpio, mercury in cancer) i am a very watery person and my emotions are very intense. The two of you can become very, very close, intensely bonded to one another, for you both need and seek a very complete emotional union with your partner. And, again, communicate more readily. You may find your emotions ready to explode with a combination of Virgo moon and Cancer Rising energies. If you are a Cancer with Pisces rising, The planets in Aries emphasise your home sphere, encouraging you to reassess your living quarters and perhaps inspect family dynamics and how they have shaped your picture of self-worth. People with the Gemini rising sign are generally attracted to Sagittarius ascendants, as they are fiery enough to inspire their passion. You guard your thoughts and feelings, revealing nothing that may expose your inner self. You think that work should be done seriously and you expect the same from others. They can also be compatible with fire signs like Leo or Aries but are highly incompatible with Scorpio ascendants. With a Scorpio Sun Cancer Moon, you are sure, confident, and adaptable. Your email address will not be published. It often happens with Pisces Rising that a person who was an adversary in early years becomes a valuable friend later on. By your side you need someone who knows how to cooperate, has a sensitivity vibe, and knows how to be in solidarity with others. Your mood swings because of a lack of emotional self-control, which causes most of your mistakes. Make the first move. And what does it all mean? People with a star-studded birth chartPisces Sun Leo Moon Cancer Risingare impressive. Taurus ascendants are known for being reliable, practical, and down-to-earth. With an intuitive heart full of compassion combined with strength and leadership potential these folks will ensure everyone gets taken care of. You know how to assert yourself without being overbearing. Logic surrounds all your actions. Someone objective, practical, prudent and considerate. Now, the focus shifts to your self esteem and pocket book. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, known as Poseidon in Greek mythology, ruler of the Ocean. Home Astrology Pisces Sun Leo moon Cancer Rising. With Pluto, your planetary ruler, shifting gears into Aquarius, your network becomes a major asset. When it comes to Virgo rising sign compatibility, they typically do best with other earth signs like Taurus or Capricorn. You have an active fantasy life and a pronounced romantic outlook. When it comes to Leo rising sign compatibility, the top astrology sites claim that they typically do best with other fire signs like Aries or Sagittarius. All Cancers have very special defense mechanisms: Cancer Sun Pisces Moon individuals hide behind secrecy; Cancer-Leos hide behind arrogance; and Cancer-Aries use offense as a defense. Your healing powers are probably quite evident, and you ought to make use of them in some way. Pisces season means wading through unprocessed emotions, and in this case, it pertains to your place in the world. eventually it has to come out and when that happens, it's like a pressure cooker exploding. What do we need to release from our daily routine? Although you are very intelligent, you are quite absent-minded and scattered. Those born under this sign are intuitively sensitive but have a core power beneath the surface ready for action, making them excellent healers and trend-setting visionaries who can bring their dreams into reality with passionate determination! Sports attract you, as do music and literature, which accompany your moments of solitude. Of all the Cancer combinations, the Cancer Sun Pisces Moon combination is the most sensitive, compassionate, and understanding. Aquarius ascendant individuals are known for being innovative, independent, and humanitarian. Usually, cold individuals, look for the kind of warmth Cancer ascendants can give them. Not every sign has a rising as some rarest signs are rising according to the study of astrology. You are also successful in occupations that involve writing and travel. You are ready to conquer fears and explore the more hidden, secretive aspects of your personality. Learn to deal honestly with your emotions. For the individual with Pisces Rising, the word sentimental comes to mind when describing you. You are privy to playing the role of healer and helper in your dynamics with others, but with Saturn stationing in your sign of relationships, firmer boundaries may need to be set in stone. With Scorpio Rising, you are usually quietly watching, waiting, observing filing away information that will be useful later on. With a Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon, underneath that cool image of yours is a very intense, forceful, and determined individual. Many people put their faith in the idea that it is possible to foresee the fates of individuals by studying the impact of the planets and stars on earthly matters. Your moon heavily influences your feelings and, ultimately, your soul. March emphasises your mind-body connection, as you find the thread between the physical and spiritual increasingly thin. Both of you are very sensitive and intuitive about others needs and feelings, and become deeply attached to people. WebFind out how the Cancer Sun - Pisces Moon - Scorpio Ascendant transit may impact your personality and know if this is occuring or is in your natal chart. You are more in contact with The Collective Unconscious than most of us. As a Scorpio Rising individual you are happiest when you can control from behind the scenes. You can fluctuate between living in seclusion like an oyster or sharing your life at family parties and events. Hence my OCD lol. However, you do it quietly, trying not to share anything with anyone. And what does it all mean? Your motto is to transform the family order through discipline. Of all the Cancer combinations, the Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon combination is one of the most prone to depression and morbidity. How a Pisces Rising person looks: When ascending, gives a small stature, fleshy, weak and tired. At work, you prefer to be independent. At their best, this individual is creative and artisticexpressing themselves through music, poetry, or any other outlet they choose! You are sensitive to beauty, so you should choose activities related to aesthetics. Balance is key to getting the most out of this power trio remember, its all about striking harmony between the stars. Your personality is also changeable, at times moody and distressed. They can also be compatible with water signs like Cancer or Scorpio but are not as compatible with Cancer ascendants. Sun in Scorpio with Moon in Cancer and Pisces Rising Personality Traits: With a Scorpio Sun Cancer Moon, you are sure, confident, and adaptable. Good news, Cancer, on the 25th, planet of drive and will, enters your sign, giving you a grandiose sense of vitality and motivation. Geminis are usually attracted to them because of Sagittatius spontaneity and spirited energy. Each of the zodiac signs takes up 30 degrees or 1/12 of the entire zodiacal circle. WebScorpio Sun With Cancer Rising Homely and Ambitious Cancer has the virtue of appeasing the aggressiveness of Scorpio a bit, so these signs form a fairly harmonious combination. Your tender feelings are easily moved by sad stories, lost animals, and unhappy human beings. One of the things you must do is find out how something works, to dissect it, study it, and put it back together so that it works better. Not only does it tell you a lot about yourself, but it can also help you understand how you interact with other people. Or was it a Pisces Waning Gibbous? I'm a Cancer sun, Libra moon, and Scorpio rising. This means keep your eyes on the prize, attune yourself to your most ridiculous and theatrical desire. Of course, you have a rams head and crab claws! The time of day you were born determines your rising sign. If you are a Cancer with Pisces rising, you are moved by the human drama, but, as you are very reserved, you can become cold and insensitive. When it comes to Libra rising sign compatibility, things become interesting. Web(Scorpio sun, cancer moon, Pisces rising) Lately, Ive been practicing vulnerability by sharing my struggles/ faults freely and openly to people around me (whether they ask or not) and by taking any opportunity that arises to allow myself to feel. You tend to use any weapon at your disposalfrom ridicule to playing on a persons fears. on Cancer Sun With Rising Sign Combinations. The zodiac contains all the revolutions of the Moon and major planets. These natives entire existence could be all about feelings. So I've always felt really mixed up in side, so I obssesively try to fix other people mixed up problems. This Pisces-Cancer has a special combination of strength and sensitivity, allowing them to be caring yet independent. They are also very creative and often have a strong intuition. You waste your energy on several things at once. With a Scorpio Sun Cancer Moon, despite all these natural leadership talents, you are rarely interested in taking charge. A Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon individual is not above malice, pettiness, and vindictiveness. Were you born on a Scorpio Full Moon? Luck also has something to do with it, because for the Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon individual things just seem to come easier. They feel attracted to Aquarius rising signs because they love the way they complement each others flaws. You strive to uphold fairness, equality and impartiality. March signifies massive celestial turning points, as we enter a new astrological year, and the outer planets push us into a new era. They can also be compatible with earth signs like Virgo or Taurus but are generally incompatible with Aquarius ascendants. Brown hair and water colored eyes. You work hard, trying to stand out from the crowd. As an individual with a Scorpio Sun Cancer Moon, you must also guard against adopting a smug or complacent attitude. You are always aware of what is going on around you. Having Pisces Rising, in your private life you tend to be disorganized, a bit careless, the kind who is forever losing or misplacing belongings. A Full Moon in Virgo on the 2nd prompts you to release any hindrances that prevent you from seeing your worth. Just dont lose your grip on the real world, and you may excel as an artist or in other creative fields. You have a protective impulse towards those weaker than yourself, and at some point in your life you have probably felt strong religious yearnings. Calm and self-controlled, you never lose your poise. WebSun in Scorpio, Moon in Cancer, and Rising in Capricorn those born with this unique sun-moon rising personality are quite Intuitive and sentimental characterize. Yee-hawing never felt so emotionally balanced! No matter how many people want your friendship, you only need yourself for solace and will do your utmost to maintain a discreet distance from other people. You can find more detailed sun, moon, and rising sign compatibility charts on some of the top-rated astrology apps or by consulting a psychic reader on some of the most popular online psychic readings websites like Oranum, Psychic Source, AskNow or Kasamba. You are peaceful, calm and friendly, respectful of traditional values. CANCER// CANCER RISING. You want to be sure that your love is reciprocated. Although you may be impulsive and impatient at times, you are also courageous and always up for a challenge. Both the sun and the moon are essential to our survival, but while the former provides physical energy, the latter governs our feelings and our inner world. Personal magnetism and self-confidence combine to help assure your success in life. Having a Scorpio Sun Cancer Moon, you are never content with surface impressions, you like to probe beneath appearances to discover the genuine meaning and significance of things. A mailed fist in a velvet glove; deeply perceptive; imaginative; emotional sensitivity; charismatic; strong sense of duty; clannish; supportive; sincere; shrewd; passionate commitments; satirical; intensely guarded; secretive; strong sense of self; deep reservoirs of emotional strength. Welcome, a lucky individual with a Pisces Sun Leo Moon Cancer Rising! It also affects their compatibility with other signs. [Definition, Types & Tips], How to Connect Xbox Controller to Xbox [A Step-by-Step Guide], Leo and Scorpio Compatibility [Love, Sex, Friendship, Work], Rising Sign Compatibility for Each Zodiac Sign, rising signs change their position every few hours, Cancer rising sign can either soften ones personality, This rising signs ruling planet is Saturn, 5 Must-Have Spiritual Tools You Can Use for Daily Spiritual Practices, Why Do I Twitch When I Sleep? To top it off, you have the wise Cancer Rising sign closing in like Batman always watching over your environment and waiting for protection or guidance. Though not particularly romantic, you are nevertheless a very kind, giving, and an affectionate partner. Sun in Cancer with Moon in Scorpio and Pisces Rising Personality Traits: An individual with a Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon is not the timid, introverted, or an insecure Cancer one often reads about. With Saturn preparing to station in your sector of Sex and rebirth, what you truly desire is changing. The ancient Greeks referred to the area around the ecliptic as a zodiac, the small animals, or zodiacs kyklos, circle of animals, since the majority of the celestial bodies it traverses are animal-related. Either way, the spotlight is on transformation. Within a bohemian personality, you combine universal consciousness with solidarity. Tune into your body. The Cancer rising sign is known for being sensitive, intuitive, and sympathetic. And on top of that, Scorpios intensity brings in some extra alluring mystery for good measure! Use this date to focus on your passions, as in this upcoming era, anything is possible. If you were born under the Capricorn rising sign, you may be pessimistic and critical of others, which may compromise your compatibility with other signs. However, because you care too much about appearances you back down so as not to make a scandal. People with this rising sign are always on the move, as they love new experiences and are always after a good time. Whats My Black Moon Lilith Sign? WebConclusion. Be bold, brazen and self-assured. They bring a comforting presence to relationships but can occasionally have emotional outbursts or become possessive from seeking assurance that all is secure between them and their partners. What dreams did you abandon that need to be revisited? Libra and Aries rising). Sun in Pisces with Moon in Cancer and Scorpio Rising Personality Traits: With a Pisces Sun Cancer Moon, matters of the heart rule your life utterly you need to be in Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. People with this rising sign often have a strong connection to their emotions and they can be very intuitive. The strength and courage that Leos bring will make sure those tough times are better navigated while Pisceans get their intuition on overdrive with help from Cancers deep understanding of emotions, giving this trio combo major powers when facing hard choices or situations. You try hard to get along with everyone, but sometimes laziness makes you lose face in front of others. The rising signs and their compatibility can play a huge role in determining other peoples perceptions of us, as well as our romantic relationships. You run away from rules and routine. In this upcoming decade, the barrier between our inner worlds and outer worlds will be sheet thin. Whether its on the tennis court or in the boardroom, you always seem to win, because Lady Luck closely follows the Scorpio Sun Cancer Moon individual. Your philosophical considerations about life are spiritual and, at the same time, balanced with the material (or physical). Yours is perhaps the You need to admire the one you love. In work, however, you are knowledgeable and creative and can be quite disciplined when working within a group, especially in artistic projects. They are also very open-minded and tolerant of others, but they tend to be indecisive. People with this rising sign tend to care more about others than themselves. Your professional goals can take you down the road of commerce, art or politics, perhaps making headway in works of great magnitude. Your daily life journey, character, and tale are all deeply influenced by the Moon, Sun, and ascendant, also known as the rising sign. (Find out your rising sign with our Rising Sign Calculator.). Youll feel far more fulfilled and contented just by being who you really are. This is a call to become more mindful about where you place your time and energy, and use your psychic detective skills to guide your direction. Down deep, many Pisces Rising individuals believe that they alone are destined to suffer disillusionment in life; sometimes others sense this secret sorrow in you. As a Scorpio Rising individual you tend to have sharp features, a prominent nose, and large, hypnotic eyes. You are exploring activities that dont set your energetic bank account back, friends and counterparts that enrich your life rather than drain it. You yourself, however, are quite adept at sensing other peoples weak spots and would never be shy about pointing them outbluntly, sarcastically, and, at times, cruelly. With Pluto stationed in your house of career and the public, you are in line for VIP attention, eager to make your artistic mark on the world at large. Your tender feelings are easily moved by sad stories, lost animals, and unhappy human beings. The traits associated with your Sun Sign are not always who you are as a person. As a lover, you are extremely possessive. If you are a Cancer with Taurus rising, your personality is less emotional than most Cancers. You are likely to have wavy hair and well-shaped feet. Try to let your guard down now and then, and communicate more freely. Your only difficulty is your tendency to repress feelings rather than dealing with them honestly. All you want is to be left alone, because you dont bother others. You will need to realise that you have an emotional sensitivity which is a psychic ability which can be trained into Mediumship - of which I have personal experience. You use humor as a vehicle to relate to others, trying to hide your weaknesses. Scorpio Beauty Recommendation: Isamaya Beauty Lucky Kiss Diamond Lip Glow. You are encouraged to surrender old narratives or story-lines about the way you are perceived and loved. You show off your sense of humor so as not to show your weaknesses. Often you feel you were born at the wrong time in the wrong place, and you are strongly drawn to the past. You leave your shyness aside and gain many friendships because of your natural sympathy. Pisces Sun Leo Moon Cancer Rising folks are the real deal regarding love. Although ascendant signs are drawn by similarities, some of them feel more attracted towards the differences (e.g. Your brain behind your cool facade is always ticking away. All information on is for entertainment purposes only. Your responses and reactions are based almost entirely upon how you happen to feel about the persona you are dealing with or the situation you are handling. They are In love, you take time to choose your partner. You are magnetic, feeling yourself, and your perception is attuned to what is beautiful. It is as if they sense your inner strength and want to latch on to some of whatever it is you possess. A New Moon on the 21st in the sign of the Ram encourages us to answer the age-old question: What do I want? Believe in the impossible, and tune out any voices that keep you in self doubt. At work, you like to show your superiority and courage. People with this rising sign are natural leaders, and they are often pioneers in their field. You love the good lifefine food and drink especially, beautiful clothes, and travel. Loyalty and commitment come naturally for them when engaging in relationships, emotional intimacy especially being paramount for creating meaningful connections with their partners. Powerful Pluto is moving into Aquarius on the 27th, after spending 15 years in Capricorn. WebCancer Sun With Pisces Rising Humanist by Nature Within a bohemian personality, you combine universal consciousness with solidarity. Your loved one will the only one who can calm and contain you. Denying part of yourself can cut you off from much happiness. After you have set out to save, you suddenly spend your money with an open hand. Juliana on August 25, 2019: Hi Libra is my sun Look for fellow creatives who share your sharp focus and boundless ambition. Cancer Sun and Pisces Frequently troubled with their feet. You become emotionally overwhelmed and desperate in the face of a pressing situation. People with this rising sign often have a strong will, and they are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. The planet Neptune, which rules Pisces, is very prominent in your birth chart. For that reason, you manage to have quite a few friends by your side. Self-sufficiency and independence make you something of a loner. Yet, they are perfectly willing to follow you anywhere. You are strongly persuasive and vigorously pursue your goals, and in addition have the power to make others pursue the same goals. Your response is private Was this WebSun in Cancer Moon in Scorpio Stinger Crab You are someone with profound depth and powerful emotions that render you as both compassionate and vindictive. Your personality is also changeable, at times moody and distressed. Brace yourselves, Leo Suns! Leo Moon compatibility. Libra rising signs are usually very compatible with other air signs like Gemini and Aquarius. Therefore, they promote stability. An individual with a Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon is not the timid, introverted, or an insecure Cancer one often reads about. It is important that you associate with highly motivated people, or you yourself may end up in a riskless and unchallenging field. You tend to be secretive and reserved, and shun the spotlight because you cant work there unnoticed. You act more out of enthusiasm than out of true calling. not a good thing. The Pisces Sun, Leo Moon, and Cancer Rising combination is like a cosmic super-power! We often embody the traits of our rising sign to as we go about our daily lives. Utilise this energy by sharpening your creative skills and channelling your intensity into artistry. If you are a Cancer with Sagittarius rising, you are a bohemian globetrotter. With a Cancer Sun Pisces Moon, role playing is sometimes necessary in order to get along in life, but constant role playing is a form of self-deception and escape. How Long Does Perfume Last? With the planets ingressing into fellow fire sign, Aries, you are supported in finding new avenues for self-expression and creativity. How do you want to feel around your counterparts? Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. You tend to depend psychologically on your partner, to feel safe from cruel reality. Pluto is eroding away at intimacy blockages for the next decade, and you are ready to receive what you give out so freely: healing. Some people claim that they are hypnotized by Scorpio Rising individuals; its true that you have a way of knowing what others are thinking. Guard against being overly possessive and jealous towards the one you love. But you are, in fact, a very emotional individual. Basically, with Pisces Rising, you have a dauntless goodwill toward others. The Cancer rising sign is known for being sensitive, intuitive, and sympathetic. People with a Pisces sun sign and Cancer rising bring together an incredible mix of qualities. What kind of company do you see yourself with? Its a great time to take inventory of your many talents, and expand your avenues for earning. A female with a Cancer Sun Pisces Moon may adopt an excessively feminine role, in hopes of being swept off her feet and eternally protected by a knight in shining armor. Yes, your rising sign can affect compatibility, and its not only important for first impressions.