Iceland is often referred to as The Land of Fire and Ice due to its geological extremities. Check if you need a power plug adapter or voltage converter for the power sockets (outlets) used in Iceland. Its still warm and sunny, but the heat hasnt reached brutal temperatures yet this time of year. A universal adapter will work in over 100 countries in the world. I used to just throw all my things in the suitcase and head out on my adventure. Advance planning can help you keep your electronic devices charged and ready for use when you travel overseas. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. The power outlets used in Iceland are Type F. This type of outlet is recessed; meaning the faceplate of the outlet is deeper in the wall. In Reykjavik, you can learn about Viking history, take a soak in one of the many soaking pools or explore the food scene through various restaurants and cafes. Type F outlets can be fit with either Type C or Type E plugs. //