south carolina drug bust

Sergeant Forsberg gave and dedicated everything he had to his family, friends, coworkers, and the community.. Assistant United States Attorneys Cam Currie, Bob Jendron, Cam Littlejohn, and Bart Daniel assisted in the effort both by helping with asset identification and seizure and with prying criminals out of the countries where they were hiding. Patty Roberts is not mincing her words when speaking on fentanyl. Got a tip for a story? On Wednesday, a Durham man was arrested after a chase hitting 120 mph and the "Gray Death" drug was found, deputies say. Folks, if this was a bag full of terrorists, if this was anthrax, our response would be overwhelming. [1] Known as the 'gentlemen smugglers' because of their college educations and aversion to violence, Foy, Riley and their associates regularly sailed drug-laden boats from Jamaica, Colombia and Lebanon through the marshes of the Eastern Seaboard. Investigators believe the alleged drug traffickers were responsible for moving more than 1,000 kilograms (more than one ton) of methamphetamine, 100 kilograms (220 pounds) of cocaine, and 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of heroin in the state. 9 arrested after drug bust in Greenwood County, deputies say. Given their standards and their college educations, the two men were nicknamed the Gentlemen Smugglers.. U.S. Attorney Henry McMaster stands next to the Dutch Treat, a yacht owned by queenpin Carol Amend until its seizure by the U.S. government under the then-untested legal tactic of civil asset forfeiture. The post Hero Down: Broward Sheriffs Office Sergeant Kevin Forsberg Dies Unexpectedly appeared first on The Police Tribune. Ultimately, Operation Jackpot would indict four smuggling rings operating in South Carolina. We are forever indebted to his brave service and pray that he will Rest In Peace. A drug hit would not be carried out by the local crew, local boys are just the corner guys, there would be 10 more levels up if not more before you get to the head of the Snake. Operation Jackpot defendants were tried in three large batches and represented by well-known South Carolina defense attorneys such as Gedney Howe, Arthur Howe, Ed Bell, and Sol Blatt. The arrests culminated a five-months investigation by the FBI, the Coast Guard, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Customs Service and the Beaufort County Sheriff's Department. Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor Walt Wilkins said in thestatement, This was a very large scale organized drug operation that allegedly was trafficking kilograms of drugs every week into Greenville County,, The hard work and dedication of the Greenville Drug Enforcement Unit, SLED, and the South Carolina State Grand Jury has significantly decreased the availability of drugs in the Greenville Community and arrested some of its worst drug dealers., Aristocrat Constance Marten and Sex-Offender Mark Gordon's Missing Baby Found Dead in Countryside, Cops Say, GOP Legislator Introduces Bill That Would Eliminate Florida's Democratic Party, Florida Student, 17, Who Attacked Teacher to Be Tried as Adult, Woman Convicted in Connection to Lady Gaga Dognapping Sues Singer for $500,000 Reward Money, 5 Ballet Dancers Seriously Injured in California Hit-and-Run Car Crash Strive to Heal to Return to the Stage, 17-Year-Old Michigan Boy Slain by 13-Year-Old and 14-Year-Old Who He Offered Ride Home on Cold Night: Police. Theyre dealing death, Tolson said. Police in South Carolina seized more than 65 pounds of fentanyl Wednesday in a drug raid that officials describe as the largest-ever seizure of . Charlestons famous restaurant, 82 Queen, was seized as well. Got a technical question or a glitch to report? We have an open microphone policy here at FITSNews! I live in a small ass county not in South Carolina Our local da parades around big drug bust like this once a year. York County and South Carolina leaders say current state and federal laws are not strict enough to keep fentanyl off South Carolina streets so there need to be sweeping changes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Attorney General Wilson said that drugs in the southeast are typically trafficked across the southern border and sent to Atlanta, where they are then distributed to neighboring states. The upstate has become a hub," Wilson said at a press conference. All Rights Reserved. The case was investigated by the South Carolina State Grand Jury, which was assisted in this case by a partnership of the Attorney Generals State Grand Jury Division, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, the South Carolina Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General, the Greenville County Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Enforcement Unit, the Thirteenth Circuit Solicitors office, Anderson County Sheriffs Office, Pickens County Sheriffs Office, Spartanburg County Sheriffs Office, Easley Police Department, Abbeville County Sheriffs Office, and the Oconee County Sheriffs Office. The Florida Police Benevolent Association (FPBA) also released a statement in the wake of the longtime sergeants death. Listen online or download the iHeart App. After brief attempts at college, first at Newberry College and then at USC, Barry began selling marijuana in Five Points. In the 1970s, the drug was widely used, and the publics attitude was apathetic. COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - According to the FBI Columbia Field Office and the Columbia Violent Gang Task Force, nine people were indicted Tuesday for drug . We have an open microphone policy here at FITSNews! March 3 (UPI) -- A Kentucky man who stopped to buy some breakfast said he lost his appetite when he won $50,000 from a scratch-off lottery ticket. During the search, agents found suspected fentanyl, methamphetamine, marijuana, buprenorphine, and alprazolam along with digital scales and smoking pipes in the home and in Glover's purse in a car on the property. The investigation was dubbed Las Seoritas because several women among the main targets allegedly fled to Mexico to escape prosecution in the United States. Published: Oct. 24, 2022 at 3:06 AM PDT | Updated: Oct. 24, 2022 at 6:55 AM PDT YORK COUNTY, S.C. (WBTV) - The York County sheriff provided more information Monday on a huge drug bust. COLUMBIA, S.C. State prosecutors have charged 100 people in what they said Monday was the largest number of defendants ever indicted in one drug operation in South Carolina courts. You didnt have any last words. Les and another defendant, Wally Butler, were found living in Australia and arrested on May 5, 1983. SLED agent Robert Stewart and Bart Daniel also traveled to Australia while the case was being appealed. For more information about our use of cookies, our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information generally, and any rights you may have to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information, please view our. U. S. Attorney Ron Parsons announced on Wednesday that 37 people have been federally-indicted as part of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces' Operation Say Uncle. I dont believe there was a drug connection to the Murdaughs but it wouldnt surprise me if LE saw this as an opportunity to round up a bunch of local criminals (of varying levels of serious criminality) and see if anything shook loose in exchange for some leniency. Also Hampton county had 388 overdoses and 15 deaths in one year that seems really high for a county of 19,000 people. The full list of defendants and the charges they each face can be found here. Author: Holly Matkin. What if someone not affiliated with drugs at all wanted Paul taken out and hired somebody local on the fringes of society? Houses, land, boats, and prized cars all disappeared into government coffers, much to the consternation of the Gentlemen Smugglers and their associates. Christian K-8 school last year declared that 'we stand with the LGBTQIA+ community and believe in their holiness.' We need to bring awareness to this issue, that drug dealers are not dealing drugs anymore. Methinks a killer(s) may be among those photos?! The thought immediately went through my mind that I wonder if they were responsible for his death, said Roberts. Henry and Assistant U.S. Attorney John McIntosh and Cam Littlejohn assisted the Australian prosecutors at the hearing. Forsbergs family in the wake of their loss has raised more than $34,000 so far. Alleged drug traffickers in South Carolina used taco trucks to transport pounds of meth, cocaine and heroin, state prosecutors said Wednesday. Politics. Finally, having an accessible and secluded place to offload was vital. They dont want you to see this Big Tech does its best to limit what news you see. Even though task force members cooperated with one another, their superiors sometimes tried to throw up turf-related roadblocks. Barry and Les met in Key West where, in 1973, Barry persuaded Les that smuggling grass was much more lucrative than cutting it. YORK COUNTY, S.C. (WBTV) - The York County sheriff provided more information Monday on a huge drug bust. These are just the highlights of this incredible, true tale. In this article we take a look at the 18 biggest drug busts in US history. Bob Jendron retired after a long career as a federal prosecutor, while his former coworker, Bart Daniel, served as U.S. attorney from 1989-1992 and is now a partner in a Charleston law firm. He was joined at a news conference in Columbia by S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) chief Mark Keel and other authorities. Sergeant Forsberg served 21 years with the Broward Sheriffs Office and was a great asset to the BSOs Homicide Unit. I believe the drug smuggling is discussed in Podcast Episodes 31 and 32. 2023 Blaze Media LLC. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. National. If there is a drug connection to Alex, he would definitely be the big fish in the region. However, it looks like a lot to us. This is the second drug bust along I-95 in Nash County this week. North Carolina. This content is courtesy of, and owned and copyrighted by, and its author. The numbers led back to Les. For those who want the full story of this local legend. S.C. circuit court judge DeAndrea Benjamin denied bond for 23 of the 32 defendants. CLICK HERE. We are forever indebted to his brave service and pray that he will Rest In Peace.. Organized by U.S. Attorney Henry McMaster, Operation Jackpot was one of the first federal drug task forces to use newly enacted federal civil forfeiture laws to combat drug smugglers by seizing the gentlemen smugglers' assets, including homes, cars, money and boats. I think Paul being a CI is a bit far fetched because there was only casual mention of him smoking weed a handful of times and ONE mention of doing cocaine months prior to the boating accident. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. British bus driver stops to give loose sheep a lift. As a member of the BSO Homicide Unit, Sgt. Defendant Marcy Dawn Vickers allegedly fled in 2022. Taylor Lynnette Glover (Lancaster County Sheriff's Office) Sergeant Forsberg was a great father, family man, great person, great friend to those who knew him, and a great law enforcement officer, the tribute read. To cut costs, Amazon delays completion of second headquarters, closes retail stores, 'Saving Private Ryan,' 'True Romance' actor Tom Sizemore dead at 61, Dozens killed, injured as Jakarta fuel depot fire engulfs neighborhood, Migrant woman dies after U.S. Coast Guard stops vessel carrying 54, 3 children killed, 2 hospitalized in North Texas domestic incident. Pinch the little fish to get info on the big fish. The agents deserve all the credit, says Bart Daniel of the task force. He was an assistant United States attorney at the time. He was really fun to be with. South Carolina partnered with Georgia and federal authorities to make the drug bust. Jonathan Sears who owns or co-owns a lengthy list of Columbia establishments including The Bird Dog, The Cotton Gin, The Gourmet Shop, Hendrix, Jakes Bar and Pavlovs was arrested along with his relative, Geoffrey Sears, on Blossom Street last Thursday by officers of the Columbia, S.C. police department (CPD). They reportedly were part of a drug trafficking organization that operating in Pickens, Greenville, Laurens, Anderson, and Oconee Counties. If its similar in Hampton county none of the people were major players instead addict selling to other addicts but who knows. It might surprise people that cartel drug trafficking happens in South Carolina, but it does and were fighting to stop it, Wilson said. Our hearts go out to Sergeant Kevin Forsbergs family, friends and colleagues at Broward Sheriffs Office where he served in the BSOs Homicide Unit, the FPBA said. Barry flew to Jamaica to meet with suppliers, while Les and three others struggled to sail there in storms, high seas, and high winds. When all the Operation Jackpot trials were over, more than 100 smugglers went to jail. 170 charges filed against defendants linked to Mexican cartel . I could barely move my arms and legs without help.. History and legal buffs will appreciate reliving the 1970s with the challenges faced by the task force and the ingenuity used to achieve its objective. Mandy does an amazing job with her investigative journalism. Investigators have also seized 20 kilograms of meth, 5 kilos of heroin, 1.5 kilograms of cocaine, and 82 firearms. More than 40 people have been charged in the Upstate of South Carolina as part of a drug-trafficking case known as "Las Seoritas," according to Attorney General Alan Wilson. 'For the most part, these drugs were not headed for South Carolina,' he said. Reflecting back, Governor McMaster says, It was virtually impossible to catch them in the act. Has anyone heard anything? We use cookies to better understand website visitors, for advertising, and to offer you a better experience. , Four more suspects in operation pentagon They were arraigned late Wednesday in Charleston before U.S. District Judge Sol Blatt Jr. To source the best marijuana, Barry partnered with another smuggler named Bob the Boss Byers, who took Barry into the mountains of Colombia to meet farmers directly. As with all cases, all the defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty by the criminal justice system, or until such times as each may wish to enter some form of allocution in connection with a plea agreement with prosecutors related to any of the charges that may be filed against them. It is much more significant," he said. The Lowcountry paper only got part of the story, though . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. We use cookies to better understand website visitors, for advertising, and to offer you a better experience. Forsbergs death in a Facebook post several days later. I believe it was his girlfriend, Morgan Doughty, that said he used cocaine on multiple occasions during her sworn deposition. This month the DEA made the biggest. The story is utterly fantastic, with a list of villains so long one has trouble keeping up with them all. Officials with the Lexington County Sheriff's Department said Javier Ayala has been charged . At Henry and Brians suggestion, the two began following the money. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); South Carolina's 'Trial of the Century' is over but the 'Murdaugh King Of Five Points Arrested As Part Of Massive Drug Bust In Columbia, South Carolina, Murdaugh Murders: South Carolina Attorney General Must Step In And Remove Rogue Solicitor, Governors Mansion Valet Killed In Car Crash, SCDOT: Internal Audits Show Rash Of Scandals, Alex Murdaugh Sentenced To Life Behind Bars, LIVE FEED Murdaugh Murders Trial: Alex Murdaugh Sentencing Hearing, Murdaugh Murders Trial: Alex Murdaugh Guilty On All Counts. Wilson announced. I highly suggest you watch Mandy Matneys Murdaugh Murders Podcast - especially those about Alexs possible connection to drugs smuggling along the east coast. State Attorney General Alan Wilson announced grand jury indictments Wednesday against the owners of the Los Primos restaurant in Greenville, S.C. Operation Jackpot used what was then a new approach: Focusing on the identification and seizure of illicit wealth, then tracing it back to the smugglers bringing tons of marijuana and Lebanese. State Attorney General Alan Wilson announced grand jury indictments Wednesday against the owners of the Los Primos restaurant in Greenville, S.C. The trucks run by Mexican restaurant Los Primos. He has friends that have died. While law enforcement had tried to catch the smugglers in the past and, in a few instances, succeeded, they were hampered in the 1970s by unsophisticated or nonexistent equipment, insufficient support, and the miles and miles of South Carolina shoreline. . The York County sheriff provided more information Monday on a huge drug bust. SCDC Inmates Darrell Foster McCoy, Jr. a/k/a DJ and Matthew David McCoy have been involved in drug trafficking since 2011. National. Operation Jackpot was a federal drug task force based in South Carolina that captured and convicted more than 100 marijuana smugglers from 1983 to 1986 during President Ronald Reagan's War on Drugs. This was a year-long investigation that resulted in the arrests of six people. On Monday (March 8) South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson said that, so far, 100 people are facing 297 counts and 487 charges total, News 19 reports. Federal drug unit targets South Surrey home in bust spanning Lower Mainland. COLUMBIA, SC (WOLO)- Officials with the FBI Columbia field office and Columbia Violent Gang Task Force say nine individuals face drug trafficking charges. Under South Carolina law, trafficking in cocaine is a felony punishable by a prison term of between 25 and 30 years, no part of which may be suspended nor probation granted and a fine of up to $200,000. CLICK HERE. Got something youd like to say in response to one of our articles? A man has been arrested for a major drug bust in Rutherford County, according to the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office. Email him at David and Chuck fed questions to her for the kingpin and used the information to set a trap. Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox. Thats so many kids that could have died. According to the release, the investigation in total from both locations seized large quantities of methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine including some mixed with fentanyl, marijuana, xanax, multiple firearms, and $63,000. Some even volunteered to come along, enticed by the idea of cruising the Caribbean and returning on mattresses of marijuana bales. He described Hilton Head Island as a 'transhipment point' in the operation, noting that the island is well-suited for smuggling because of its access to deep water. Possession of drug paraphernalia charge; $95,000 secure bond; . After serving as U.S. attorney, attorney general, and lieutenant governor, Henry McMaster ascended to South Carolinas governorship in 2017 and was elected to his first full term in November 2018. Last week, deputies seized over 30,000 grams of the drug fentanyl from a home on Golden Pond Drive in Clover. York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson gathered with some S.C. lawmakers Monday, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, to talk about the lack of laws to combat fentanyl in the state. Wilder still, the two main characters hail from Columbia, South Carolina. The McCoys were served with notice of the states intention to seek life without the possibility of parole at their bond hearings last week. Recent bookings, Arrests, Mugshots in South Carolina Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in South Carolina To search and filter the Mugshots for South Carolina simply click on the at the top of the page. Politics. The investigation, asset seizures, defendant arrests, and trials were full of extraordinary tales and consumed the lives of task force members for four years. Later, he moved into a Hollywood, Florida, beachside hotel frequented by men who participated in, among other activities, drug dealing. Well hold the line from here. Defendant Michael Pardi allegedly fled last month. NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. ( WCSC /Gray News) - Authorities in South Carolina say a youth pastor is facing more than a dozen assault charges for inappropriately touching young girls. Barry was apprehended at the LaGuardia airport wearing a full-length mink coat. The last fugitive from Operation Jackpot was arrested in 2007. The. Will Folksis the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. J. Click this link for the original source of this article. Operation Jackpot was a federal drug task force based in South Carolina that captured and convicted more than 100 marijuana smugglers from 1983 to 1986 during President Ronald Reagan's War on Drugs. Heres the link to the podcast on YouTube:, IMO This seems way more relevant knowing what we know now! On Saturday, Shackeel Aaron Coleman, 29, of Conway, South Carolina, was charged with two counts of trafficking in cocaine, conspiracy to traffic cocaine, and maintaining a vehicle for controlled substances. By FOX Carolina News Staff. All these kids have had other friends that have died, said Alsobrooks. Detric McGowan Arrested in Alleged South Carolina Drug Bust after Story Went Viral February 27, 2019, 4:19 PM This good Samaritan who went viral for buying $540 worth of Girl Scout cookies was. 2023 Columbia Metropolitan. One of the defendants, a paralegal, is accused of sending drugs and phones into prison through hollowed out court transcripts, ABC News 4 reports. He has other friends that have died as well. MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA Less than twenty months after 30 Horry County and Myrtle Beach-area drug traffickers were indicted based on a federal wiretap investigation into narcotics and violence, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of South Carolina announced today that all 30 have pleaded guilty and been sentenced in federal court. The Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office announced that three people were recently charged after over 20 pounds of methamphetamine was found during a narcotics investigation. He said the street value of the more than 1,000 kilos of methamphetamine seized by law enforcement is over $75 million. As a true crime community, we promote civil discussions surrounding the alleged crimes of Alex Murdaugh and related entanglements. 'We smashed an international drug smuggling operation,' said Frederick B. Verinder, the FBI agent in charge of the investigation. In time, the drug trade grew crowded in South Florida. represent clients in a variety of civil and criminal matters. With each trip, Barry and Les learned more about the smuggling business. Minnesota officer removes jar from raccoon's head. Also, 2 guys were arrested one month before the murders on drug charges: 13 51 51 comments New Add a Comment Tardis301 1 min. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Ten other defendants are currently in prison. March 3 (UPI) -- A 7-year-old Louisiana boy with a firm grasp of baseball rules is seeking a Guinness World Record as the world's youngest umpire. A wall in the back of the room filled with pictures of young people in the same situation. Civil wars and ocean chases pound the heart of the thrill-seeker. Got a tip or a story idea for Mark? 'In layman's terms, this is enough cocaine for every man, woman, and child in South Carolina to get high at least one time,' he said. According to authorities, six of the . South Carolina. When the hospital drug tested Paul the night of the boating accident, there were no drugs in his system. In 1971, they asked Barry and another hotel guest to sail to Jamaica to bring back 400 pounds of marijuana. Kentucky man stops for breakfast, wins $50,000 lottery prize. The man, now-identified as Detric McGowan, was arrested Tuesday morning in a U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) drug bust, reports CBS South Carolina affiliate WSPA-TV. March 2 (UPI) -- A Minnesota police officer came to the rescue of a raccoon he spotted running around with a jar stuck over its head. In a case reaching both sides of the Rio Grande, 43 Upstate drug trafficking defendants now face a total of 170 charges after being indicted by the South Carolina statewide grand jury. March 3 (UPI) -- A Massachusetts library said a book was recently returned with a note apologizing for the tome being 56 years overdue. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Surrey couple plans to pay off mortgage after winning $500,000. The sheriff added that 87 people have lost their lives to fentanyl so far in 2022. Typical agency turf wars were not allowed; anyone who refused to play nice was excused from the team. Others, including Barry and Les, were harder to bring in. Thousands of kilos of methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine were pumping into Greenville County.. Thanks to a corrupt jailer, Bob later escaped from a Charleston County jail and disappeared. Consider it one of the more comic scenes in an $850 million drug-smuggling saga that rocked the South Carolina Lowcountry in the early 1980s. The verdict came in shortly before 7 p . Now Canadian cops have charged pastor with hate crime. Youre gonna eventually know someone this has happened to and I think Cody would be very proud of all of us for trying to help stop this problem, said Alsobrooks. A 30-month long ordeal ensued as the Australian court wrestled with whether the two could be extradited on a drug kingpin charge. Now it's closing after donors sent school a big message. Her son, Adam, fell victim to the drug. The two men were nicknamed the Gentlemen Smugglers given their standards and college education. It wouldnt be the best idea but who knows? The case is referred to as "Prison Empire," one of the state's largest narcotics conspiracy investigations ever indicted. And what about all the rumors you preach as gospel. TikTok video from True Crime Stories (@truecrimestories215): "The 1981 South Carolina Drug Smuggling Bust In The Edisto River #truecrime #truecrimecommunity #truestory #truecrimetiktok #makingamurderer #AlexMurdaugh #trending #fyp". In January 1981, Ronald Reagan became president and promoted a stiff policy on drugs. Curiously, though, police did not immediately say what type of drug Jonathan Sears allegedly possessed/ intended to distribute. First Published: 1:00 PM PDT, May 19, 2022 Officials seized paraphernalia in South Carolina and Georgia, leading to 34 individuals facing charges. CLICK HERE. Man who sent videos of adults sexually abusing infants to FBI agent sentenced to 19 years, Questions mount about how John Fetterman was allegedly able to pen letter with fellow Democrats while under supervision for depression in hospital, Thug breaks through child's bedroom window in middle of night but Dad gets whole family out of home, grabs machete, and takes hack at crook, Newly released footage shows horrific moment a suspect fleeing police in stolen vehicle smashed into a sedan, bringing down a building. A South Carolina sheriff's office has concluded a one-year investigation into a major drug operation that saw them seizing enough fentanyl to kill around 15 million people. Henry immediately sought to attack drug smuggling at the highest levels of the trade. A normal hashish load had a street value of $90 million. When that happened, the task force only had to call on Henry, who bulldozed through any problem using the considerable political power at his disposal. At last, the High Court ruled that Americas kingpin statute was an extraditable offense in 40 nations of the former British Empire. New live-action 'Peter Pan' trailer shocks with major character changes, Jane Fonda Suggests She Was Set Up During Fox Interview, The Biden Administration is Just Insane & Should Be Removed At Once. His loved ones and his BSO family will forever carry on his legacy.. So both were allegedly dealing marijuana, right? He said, Hi Bart, my names Christy Campbell, and Im here to turn myself in, says Bart. Obviously this news outlet will keep close tabs on this investigation as it moves forward . According to arrest records, 33-year-old Geoffrey Sears was charged with manufacturing marijuana while 39-year-old Jonathan Sears was charged with possession with intent to distribute and a separate charge of possession with intent to distribute in close proximity to a school. Officials say they tracked down . Still, they had the added challenge of crossing oceans and, in the case of Lebanon, interrupting a civil war that had been raging for five years. According to my law enforcement sources, this ongoing investigation has less to do with marijuana a drug which most people in the Palmetto State (including me) believe should be legalized and more to do with a rash of recent date rape druggings that allegedly occurred in the Five Points region of Columbia.